Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First School Mass

friday was roman's first school mass with the rest of his school. since toby and i were both off, we were able to go. it was really sweet. i've never been to a school mass before, but i really liked it. hearing little voices sing to God is just the best ever. 

using their praying hands, waiting to go into the church.
last ones to leave, so cute in their little full dress uniforms
since i was already off work, i stayed to help out for a few hours.  it was school picture day, so after the boys (17 in the class) got their pics taken, they lined up to get some help getting their ties off.  that's a lot of boys!
then there was music class.  it's almost time to start practicing for the Christmas program and they were learning what their parts would be. i think roman is going to be a Christmas tree!
they were so good at mass, so they earned time on the "big" playground.  but, before they could play, they had to get the new rules on what they could and couldn't do.
and then they were off!

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