for those of you counting, yes, that is 3 donuts and 5 donut holes. doesn't quite add up, huh? well...of course there was the completely burnt donut as seen above, but there was another one after that that was not done at all. try try again. ahhh, perfection. persistence pays. in donuts. warm, sugary, doughy donuts. and then i looked over and this is what i saw.
and then we assembled his birthday gift from uncle donald duck and aunt colleen. it is a philadelphia 76ers stepstool, which doubles as a "tool box", which in roman's language means toy box. here he is demonstrating it's alternate function.
look how tall i am!
it's noon on sunday and i've made donuts, put together a stool, done 4 loads of laundry, made his lunch and now i'm ready for my nap...whew. i love lazy days.
College Visit 2.0 - Oklahoma Schools
1 day ago
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