oh man, was this day fun! roman has been so excited about his birthday for weeks now. he actually ended up in our bed early this morning and i didn't think he would be hard to wake up, but for some reason, he was out of it. he kept those sweet baby blues closed no matter what we said to get him to wake up. the final thing i said to him was "well, i guess i will have to wear your birthday hat then". those eyes immediately popped open and he was sitting straight up within seconds. he loved wearing a birthday hat (they have a special one at school for the birthday kids) all day and getting the attention. i couldn't wait to go pick him up to start the festivities this evening. we had our usual tuesday dinner, chickfila and then quickly moved on to presents. we had some sugar and then back to playing with all his new presents. he is currently laying on the couch watching Cars. it's his birthday and he gets to stay up late!
this video cracks me up. he coaches himself on how to put up three fingers by putting his pinky down first. too cute!
opening his first present. he's so excited!

race cars for the track!

the presents that mommom sent have lightning mcqueen on them. he named all the cars on the wrapping paper. (i love how duke is eyeing up the present...you know he wants to tear into it!)

yay! doc is his favorite...

finally! his own umbrella. a buzz lightyear one.

2 new Shrek movies from mimi, popo and aunt maddy!

a phillies hat and an eagles football too...thanks mimi, popo and aunt maddy!

going fishin'

biting his lip in concentration

caught one!

...and another one...

getting some glue from his arts and crafts spinner

using his scissors

ooooh, another race track! thanks mommom!

time for cake!

full of hot air...

mr. wil taught him how to lick the bottom of the candles

face first into the chocolate icing

what? do i have some on my face?

poppa gets one too!

this is what i was blessed with three years ago today and he has filled every day since with joy and love. amada roman colella, i love you with all my heart and soul. happy birthday punkin!

1 comment:
WOW!! look at all those great gifts!!! What a fun birthday!
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