september 17, 2005.
our wedding day.
on that day, i could have never dreamed that i would be any happier than i was right then.
boy, was i wrong.
it may not seem like a long time to most people, but when i think about what the last 5 years have brought us, i couldn't be more proud of how we've stood by each other through it all. i love my husband with all of my heart and soul and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this man.
(forgive me, but all pictures in this post are from either toby's phone or my phone)
did i mention that he treats me like a queen? my son greeted me on friday morning with this beautiful anniversary band in his hand and was so proud to give it to me. he helped poppa pick it out.

then, i got these at work...

on another note, we have been experimenting with bribery. most of you know that we have a picky eater. well, our pediatrician suggested that we use a little reward system for when roman tries new things. we've done it twice so far and it has worked twice! i call that success. coming from a kid who really only eats about 10 different things...all in rotation.
we started with baked chicken, corn and biscuits. cream with sprinkles.
tonight, we had spaghetti and meatballs and bread. reward...m&ms (thanks aunt hettie)

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