well, the holidays have come and gone. how come when you are a kid, it takes FOREVER for Christmas to finally come and when you are an adult, it is here and gone in an instant!?
i love the hustle and bustle of the season, but i'm always happy to come home and get back to "normal". are we ever really normal? haha
the kids have loved playing with their new things. we try and get something different out each day/night so they don't forget what they got...
the sofia dress has been a hit!
along with all her other accessories....let's wear them all at one time, huh?

and, the barbie camper is a fun time. i can't believe it, but she will actually sit for a half hour and play quietly....seriously, anyone who knows her, knows that quietly is not something she does...

this was my view on New Year's Eve. and i wasn't the least bit sad about it.

this was the second time i've ever straightened gianna's hair. i wanted to see how long it really is. she looks so different to me like this. older. okay...back to curls now...

santa brought a new coat and we have needed it. it's chilly here. not as cold as our fam up north, but cold for sunny South Carolina

roman's first basketball game was a blast. he plays on a team with his cousin chase (#10) and a few friends from his class at school.

after basketball, it was time to watch some football. and who doesn't watch the game while wearing their helmet?
and looky here...we finally found a piece of furniture that fits that awkward space beside our fireplace! i couldn't be happier....what took us so long?

Sunday was nice, so we headed out to try out roman's new spin bike
and gianna is learning to ride a tricycle, but of course, stopped for the papparazzi!
tonight, we were playing with mr. Potato head, but mostly gianna kept calling him mashed potato
I hope y'all are getting back to "normal" too!
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