after we left nana's we headed to mommom's house for the night.
the girls were so excited to play with each other. i just love how as they grow up, the age difference seems to become less and less. such cutie pies, these two.
2 beauties in a bucket!
uncle josh is so fun!
back and forth...
time to open presents! lilah's first present was this pair of cowgirl boots. i don't think she cared about anything else after that. she stripped out of her pajamas so she could wear them!
oh so pretty!
gianna's turn
but, we couldn't help by watch lilah. she had to get used to wearing the boots and looked hilarious doing it!
roman got a new pair of pajamas! he has always loved the pajamas that have a "jacket", meaning they button up the front. thanks mommom!
...and there was lilah, rolling around in the wrapping paper, boots still on.
gianna got a princess mirror too.
roman loved all of his gifts, but he said that he really loved getting a case for his new iPad mini!

it seems like each year its a contest to see who can get the funniest tshirt. i think mommom won this year with this one for cj. it says "poultry in motion"
aunt colleen's turn....
the next day...(boots on again), the girls were playing with mommom's doily. gianna was covering lilah up.
and then her face? who least its full of holes!
uncle josh, you certainly know how to imitate your goddaughter!
roman and toby were in heaven!
oh! my ball!
swing time!
these girls are too cute, right?
mommom, thank you for having us all at your house. we love being together and we love being with you! and we are really sorry that we got you sick :(
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