“For you will not much remember the days of your life,
because God has kept you occupied with joy in your heart."
Ecclesiastes 5:20
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I'm Just Sitting Out Here, Watching Airplanes
toby finally got around to scheduling his flight. it was a gift from Christmas! well, better late than never, i guess. well, actually it was perfect. the day was as beautiful as could be. not hot, not cold, sun shining, no wind. i was not ready to be a passenger this time out, so our friend yvette and her friend went up with him. he had a great time and said he is starting to feel the flying bug again....oh no!
this is what he was flying. just kidding. this one is experimental only...it has a wooden propeller!
right before he headed out.so nervous. not him. me. roman loved this one. hickle pickle! ready to start her up and head out!
coming back in. notice the door is open. it made me wonder what happened in there...was the instructor in a hurry to get out? did it smell like barf? come to find out, they were just getting fresh air. i guess there is no a/c in these things. happy facegoofy boyshappy to have poppa back on landit could have been a nice family picture. oh well.
1 comment:
Yikes! I've never actually seen him fly....nerve racking to say the least.
Stop it!
Because I said so.:->
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