our best chance of seeing the phillies play this season was to head to atlanta and see them there. so we did just that! i've never been to atlanta, so it was fun to plan a little family fun trip. we figured while we were there we would go to the zoo too. it was chillier than we are used to, but i thought it felt great. bring on the sweatshirts and jeans!
roman loves to be able to watch movies in the car. it is nice for us too because otherwise, he would be talking our ears off!
ready to head out to the game!

bird's eye view

checking out the game

he wouldn't take those beautiful blues off the game
ballpark food...

getting tuckered out, but still watching the game

what a goofball

that ball sure would be hard to catch!

poppa made sure to get a hotel room with an airport view so roman could see all the airplanes coming and going

whoa...that is a big plane...

...and we're off to the zoo!

there was a petting zoo, but ro wasn't super interested in touching anything

but, he did finally pet a goat (now that i look at the picture, it looks like a dog...ha ha)

those silly orangutans were just hanging out in their hammock! lazy...

taking a ride on the kimodo dragon

while the boys went in the reptile exhibit (ewwww, snakes), i went back and hung out with this little fella. isn't he cute?

the gorilla was eating some grass. he didn't seem too happy with toby yelling at him..."hey gorilla, gorilla, gorilla!"

poppa and his boy

gorilla daddy and his boy

momma, this gorilla doesn't move!

my little lion cub

wait a minute!...

hey there momma!

momma! look at the elephants!

now i don't feel so bad about my wrinkles. he's got a few on me...

oh, wait. i think he heard me...i'm outta here!

he could have stayed there forever!

i don't even know what he was saying, but this face looks so funny!

momma and baby meerkats!

can you do this?

i wish you guys could hear how roman says rhinoceros. too funny!

this guy is really fashionable. i've seen so many bags just like him!

the baby giraffe (on the ground) was just born in july!

he loved sitting on all the animals

i think that meerkat on the right might have rabies...

we were sad to see that the train was not running today, but we were able to ride the carousel a few times instead.
riding the manatee
taking a turn on the cheetah
we had such a great time in atlanta, but are so happy to be home!

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