Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Easter was pretty low key this year.  we didn't even dye eggs until that morning! 

the kids had a small egg hunt around the house and found some eggs filled with money, and some with jelly beans!

the dyed eggs looked pretty good, for a last minute addition!

we ended up with about 2 dozen people over and the day was gorgeous, so the kiddos went outside to play.  i think we attracted some neighbor kids too because i looked out there and saw some faces i had never seen before.  it's like they can smell the fun from down the street!

gianna and bryn were sitting on the sidelines, watching the action!

ry and macee came over and brought some friends...and our friends marsha and jeff came over too!

it's not a party unless toby is involved in making a bunch of noise!

these kiddos were super spoiled by miss marsha's extra easter baskets!

i loved having the whole family over, it had been way too long. 

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