so, yes, i grew up where it snowed. and then i moved to a place where it snowed, a LOT. and then we moved to south carolina, where the white stuff is quite elusive and a snow day is typically manufactured from blocks of ice and a machine that grinds it up and spits it out of a tube. magical, huh?
but, lo and behold, on the day the kids were scheduled to head back to school after their Christmas break, we had snow in the forecast.
and in true south carolina fashion, we freaked out!!
i'll admit, it was cold. but, i was hesitant to believe that we were really going to get snow that accumulated on the ground. that is unheard of here.
but the kiddos believed and woke up and put on their warmest snow gear (jeans and leggings, apparently) and were outside waiting for the flakes to fall.
meanwhile, we have discovered that guido is a 'stay in by the fire' dog, vs. a 'go out and play in the snow' dog. he was very happy to wear gianna's scarf and lay under the frozen blanket ALL day long.
finally, the white stuff started to fall, but it was more like slush than fluffy flakes.
roman was outside long enough to feel the need to come in and warm his hands by the
and gianna was so proud of her icicle, i didn't have the heart to tell her that bringing it inside was like giving it a death sentence.
finally, the flakes started to fall and stick!
the kids and toby went to check out mimi's house and they found the perfect spot to make snow angels.
our neighbor made a pretty awesome snowman, huh?
we decided that we needed to make one too. i mean, we may never get the opportunity to build a snowman in our own yard in south carolina again, so, we took full advantage of it while we could! 
roman and i did most of the work, but gianna helped pick out the accessories. 
i truly cherished my time with roman, teaching him the 'tricks of the trade'. he started out frustrated because the fluffy snow on top did not stick together, but i showed him how to use some of the slush on the bottom to make it stick together. and before long, he was a pro!
we really had a great time making this fella and decking him out in our phillies and eagles gear. 
after lots of outside time, these two cuddled up with their blankets in front of the you do on a proper snow day. 💙
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