one of the best things about the school that our kids go to is their friends! they have so many great friends, which means that they get invited to parties and sleepovers all the time.
gianna was invited to her classmates' party at the beach. while we were there, we got the girls to pose in front of the gift that hurricane irma brought our island, buoy #8!

gianna and gracie had a blast at the beach that night!
imagine that...i actually went to the beach. i mean, i had to be invited, but i went!😃
the next night, the kids both wanted to have a friend over for a sleepover. roman has been begging to have his buddy shane over and it was a good weekend to do it. gianna has only had a sleepover with her cousins, so this was her first "friend sleepover". we thought that gracie would be the best choice, and sure enough, she was!
they played rocket copters outside in the dark
and the boys played robot football (that's not really what it's called, but we thought they looked like robots with their glasses on.
the girls were excited for bedtime
we pulled gianna's bed out and made a nice little theater for them to watch cinderella on gianna's ipad while they fell asleep.
first sleepover = success!
can't wait to do it again😉
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