last weekend, gianna and i headed home to maryland with sunny and jj for sami's bridal shower. girls trip!

it didn't take too long for the girls to zonk out!
when i see the bay bridge, i feel like i am home. this is the gateway to the eastern shore of maryland, where i consider {home}.
sami looked beautiful on her special day and so did blaire and aunt joyce. pretty girls.
these cousins had a blast playing together during the shower.
"Families are like branches on a tree. Our branches grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one."
I love these girls so much. There are years and distance between us, but we are always home when we are together.
mommom and poppop are opening a new antique store soon, so we went to go see where it will be.
gianna made herself right at home.
the business owners!
we had lots of time with the girls and they play so well together.
doesn't my hair look great?
everybody got into a really intense game of "pass the balloon". 😂
this is the view from mommom and poppop's front door. a nest of baby birds on the porch and the cows across the road.
after a long day in the car, we were finally happy to be {home}.
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