gianna is loving her new bike and princess helmet from nana!

we got to hang out with eleanor for an fun.
these three musketeers are so fun
we love our macee rae!
seriously? who has this setup in their garage? *raises hand*
toby has hooked up the net to a wire stretched across the garage so he doesn't have to set it up every time, he just has to pull in across. and, he got some free astroturf and made a batters box. boom!
i asked gianna to work on not waking me up EVERY night when she had to use the bathroom, and if she was successful for a week, she could go to build a bear and pick out a new friend. she did really well and was so excited to get a new my little pony. also, she has been broken of that habit and momma is happy about that!
speaking you see how many stuffed animals? this is just a portion of them! we had to make room for them in about 3 different spots in her room. but she loves them all!
are you missing pictures of roman? that's because he is never home! he is always at practice or a friend's house! here he is with his friend, carson. they were out to dinner while he was at their house for a sleepover.
have you ever seen such a happy girl?
we love our facetimes with lilah and ady, and this time, they were laughing so hard at gianna's crazy hair!
that's our life, and i love it!
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