gianna's friend, emma, came over one evening to hang out with us while her parents went to a work dinner.

how cute are they?
then, after dinner, we headed up to the ballfield and found some more friends to hang out with!
the work dinner ran pretty late, so the girls got their pjs on and snuggled in bed for a movie on the ipad and some goldfish!
our friends, sherri and greg, got married! so, it was nice to get a little dressed up and have a fun night out with our friends. don't you love how the theme colors seemed to be coral and blue? we didn't even plan that!
gianna and gracie seem to always be stuck at the ballfields while big brothers play. so, we make do. and by make do, i mean they find a comfy spot and chill. is a wagon comfy? can you really chill when it's 100 degrees with 90% humidity?
and this is what two sweet girls look like after spending the whole day in the heat and humidity, but finally get to head inside to enjoy some AC and some food that doesn't come from a concession stand!
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