in case you haven't noticed, we are in the midst of baseball season around here. roman is lucky enough to play on 3 different teams. his rec team, the phillies, play during the week. the rec travel team, the waves, play in tournaments on the weekends. and, if he isn't busy with those two teams, he sometimes plays with another travel team called miner league. like i said, all baseball, all the time!
so, if you are gonna be watching big brother play, you might as well look cute doing it, right?

this is the waves (travel) team. they were invited to play down in garden city, ga. this was their first tournament, so we really didn't know what to expect. other than the fact that they would be silly. duh.
the little sisters have to find things to do to bide the time.
i love this video. he misses the catch and doesn't get the runner out at home, but try, try again and you will get your man!
here's a nice triple
and a walk-off to win!
and, even though they didn't know what to expect, they won all of their games and the entire tournament. yeah, baby!
he even got the game ball!
now, back to the rec team, the phillies. all of these games are played in or near our neighborhood, which is super nice. and for this game, poppop came to watch!
this was an awesome hit that flew over the left fielder's head and of course, my speedy boy made it home!
this is a different game, but, it cracks me up. listen until the end when roman's teammate yells "that is multiple runs!" it.
cousin chase plays on the phillies too and i love watching them play together.
game balls for the colella boys!

the 5 amadas - 2016
so, one day, i was talking to roman about how dikembe mutombo used to block shots and then shake his finger at his opponent and say "not in my house". so, i look over at him in the dugout, and he does this to me. crazy boy.
we are starting quite the collection of game balls, so roman and i decided to make a jar for all of them. isn't it cool?
the waves got invited back to garden city. this time, there were more teams and we weren't sure if we would have the same outcome, but the boys were up for the challenge.
i tell you what...these boys keep us laughing. they are so fun to watch and they love to have fun!
again, the little sisters, finding something to do.
gianna decided that the cowbell was her bat.
here is a nice solid hit.
one of the best parts of the tournaments is the boys hanging out together, waiting for the next game.
home run, baby!
this one is a close call at second, but i love how he calls himself safe.
never satisfied with just one base.
he scoops it to second to make the final out, and they are champs again!
under the lights, these boys take another round of hardware.
we can't believe it...they won the whole thing again!
wow, that's a big trophy!
chase got the game ball this time!
i couldn't be more proud of this boy. he works so hard for what he wants. if he isn't at the field playing, he's in the yard practicing. this is where all the hard work happens.
i saw a quote on pinterest and i really love it.
"you earn your trophy at practice, you just pick them up at tournaments"
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