hey guess what? we went to disney! i bet you didn't guess...okay, maybe you did. did the title give it away? the minnie ears?
well, at least it was a surprise for the kids! we just knew we couldn't tell them ahead of time. what fun is that? plus, gianna won't sleep if she is excited. so, that just what we didn't need. weeks of no sleep before a fun trip.
so, we picked them up early from school on a friday and told them that we were going to rylee's cheer competition in florida. they bought it.
and then, they went to bed. mimi, aunt maddy, aunt hettie, macee and rylee arrived late that night, so they were clueless that all those people were in the condo in the morning. so, when they woke up, toby went and grabbed his mom to tell them we were going to disney. roman was pumped, but gianna had a hard time processing it and actually started crying because she wanted to go to the cheer competition (that didn't exist).

i mean, she sure was happy...just look at her.
we dried our tears and headed to the magic kingdom!
okay, she's getting excited. i mean, the last time she was here, it was hard to experience all the fun, what with her being in my womb and all...
he's an old pro...he's got this monorail thing down pat.
breakfast at chef mickey's
look who we found!
food in our bellies...it's time for some fun!
gianna even found tink...
we met ariel
and merida
mimi and macee took gianna on the dumbo ride
and we even got to see a small little parade
oh, this tink is a bit bigger than the one she had earlier
it's hard to see us all, but we are ALL on a roller coaster together!

we met cinderella
and rapunzel
time to take the ferry back to our car and head back to the condo for a nap. whew...i'm tired.
okay, back to the fun. the boys on splash mountain.
and gianna had an appt at the bibbidi bobbidi boutique to get all princess-ified. however, she chose a tinkerbell costume instead of a princess.
look at that hair!
oh, wow...look at me! how pretty!
meanwhile, these guys are flying down space mountain
this was our view of the castle from our boat ride. so beautiful.
day 1 complete...we'll be back with days 2 & 3!