our 10th anniversary is coming up really soon and we decided to get away for a weekend about a month early to celebrate. we didn't go too far and for me that is key because i still get really nervous about being too far away from the kids. not because we don't have great family to take care of them, just because i have anxiety and knew i wouldn't have too much fun if we were too far away. so we went to savannah, ga, which is only about 30 minutes away (yay).
we went to dinner on friday night and then took a quick walk down river street and took a pedicab back to the hotel.
when we were at dinner on friday night, i shared my surprise "gift" with toby. for many years, i have said that would not get a tattoo. simply because i couldn't think of anything that i needed to have permanently on my body. however, i had a change of heart and decided that it would be a really great bonding experience to get matching tattoos for our anniversary and show toby how much he means to me.
so, on saturday, here i sat. waiting for our appointment to begin. very nervous. not having second thoughts, but just unsure of what it would end up looking like. i had drawn up a sketch and sent it to the artist 2 weeks before. but, i knew it would need tweaking, and that made me nervous. toby seemed to think my nervousness was hilarious and decided to take my picture.
finally, the time arrived and i went through with it. and yes, it hurt. but, not that bad, and for not that long. i mean, come on...i've had 2 kids. this is NOT THAT BAD.
toby ended up getting his on his bicep and mine is on the inside of my ankle. we both got them on our left side, the side you wear your wedding rings. as you can see, it's an infinity symbol and the words are "con te partiro" which is our wedding song and it means "i will go with you" in italian. obviously, the hearts are for the babies we love so much. it was toby's idea to color them in blue and pink. so, something i never thought i would do, i really did it. and i love it.
that night, we spoiled ourselves and took a carriage ride around the historic areas in savannah. it was really cool to see the town squares and old buildings and hear all of the history they hold.
i could do that every night. and the weather was gorgeous. very nice for a southern august night.
we walked down river street again and had a late dinner. we people watched and had a great time together.
it was so nice to get away (not so far away) and celebrate us. time has flown by and i can't believe we've been married 10 years. i would do it all over again. there is nobody that makes me laugh as hard or makes me feel as loved. love you, babe!
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