it started to rain one night while we were on the front porch, so gianna asked if she could catch it in her mouth.
this boy and his dog...
toby and i were going through some stuff in the garage, so the kids set up their own "picnic" in the yard. i heard lots of giggles and came over to find this...
such silly siblings!
we got a new (to us) rug and re-arranged the living room furniture.
we built this shallow shelf to hold all of our pictures.
we built this hat rack for roman's room.
the kids have a chore chart that they have been sticking to all summer. they have the opportunity to earn extra money by doing "extra" chores like vacuuming. i'm simultaneously excited and depressed that roman vacuums better than me.
we painted gianna's nails and toes for the fourth of july.
too bad we didn't get to see fireworks (it was storming with lightning off and on and we didn't risk it), but we did light up some sparklers. i'm sorry i don't have a picture of ro with his...a spark jumped back on his hand and burned him, so i didn't think that was a good photo op.

who orders fruit loops at cracker barrel? this guy!
love the concentration lip biting.
sherriff G cuffing her perp.

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