this past weekend, we had some special stuff planned! i had told the kids a few weeks back that mommom and poppop were coming to visit, but they sort of forgot about it and i didn't bring it up again. so when they pulled up in front of the house on friday night, the kids were pumped. it was right when roman recognized mommom getting out of the car that he remembered i had told him about their visit. gianna, of course, didn't remember, but went sprinting for mommom and didn't let go the whole weekend.
it was a great weekend for a visit. i thought that mommom could watch gianna at ballet class, but gianna had a different idea. she went into the class, but it wasn't long before she broke down crying. this has happened once before, and really, there is no going back. it's only a half hour and she ruins the rest of the time for the other girls by crying the whole time. so, we headed back home.
it was also opening day for baseball! luckily, this year, there wasn't the big parade onto the field, so we just got to show up at gametime and cheer on the boys.
the boys, anxiously awaiting their turn on the field.
alright bulls, let's have fun and play ball!
cousin chase is up at bat, roman on deck. poppop was giving advice through the fence...
this was a swing and a miss, but a good swing.
yes, we are just sitting like a lady with our green apple over here. i bet this was the longest she sat down. she was all over the place, this one!
it was a bit chilly, but the sun was shining and there were no bugs, so i call that a win!
colella boys with a win on the first game!
holly gave me this bracelet at the game. her sister made it and holly has one that has chase's initials on it. isn't that just the sweetest? i love it!

like i said, these two were inseparable. they were always side by side, snuggling and cuddling.
nice pic with the grandparents...
goofy kids...
roman started hiking his pants up and acting silly. he would stroll out of gianna's room with a serious look on his face, but then he couldn't hold it. he would bust up laughing! which in turn, had us cracking up too!
see....he can't keep a straight face!
mr. eyebrows...
then, gianna saw what a reaction roman was getting and she wanted in on that action too.
look at me, look at me!!
stuck like glue, these two!
then, gianna took our picture.
gianna took this too!
silly mommom took my glasses by accident when she already had hers too. don't get greedy with the glasses mommom!
story time for mommom and gianna as roman reads them a book.
and just like that, they were gone. we had a lot of fun, ate a lot of food and gave good hugs and snuggles. we hope you'll come back soon!!
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