Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Weekend Warriors

this past weekend was fun in an unplanned kind of way.

on friday night, we made an impromptu bowling alley visit and it was a lot of fun. this was the first time that everybody bowled independently and that was quite a milestone for us.

look at him fling that ball down the lane!

roman would push gianna's little helper out to the lane for her and she would carry her own ball to it. and, of course, who doesn't wear their fairy wings to the bowling alley?

on saturday after dance class, gianna and momma and miss kelly went to charleston to visit miss allie and adeline. because mr. jason was out of town and miss allie's mom was there, we ended up spending the night and having an all girls night. so fun.

when we returned on sunday, we rested a bit and then headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. roman is getting ready for opening day soon, so he did a little batting and fielding practice.


poppa planted some new flowers out front and the kiddos are really enjoying taking care of them.

does anyone else see management in his future?

so, that's what our weekend was like. we are already looking forward to next weekend!


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