Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Measuring Up

i took the kids for their annual checkups last friday. it was nice to be able to knock them both out at the same time and lucky us, no one needed any shots! since i love to hear how much they have grown and am always interested in their stats, i thought i would share. but first, here are some pictures from our "adventure".

maybe i have a sick sense of humor, but roman sitting there in his full dress uniform (complete with necktie), looking so seriously glum, getting his blood pressure taken was hilarious to me. he looks like an old man who has been busting his butt at the office, after a long week. maybe his wife made him go because he's been stressed out...i was cracking up!

somebody didn't want their picture taken. i'll give you one guess who.

i think the gown was making him feel really silly, so pig faces happened.

and gianna wanted a piggy nose too!

so here's the stats for roman:

  • 50.2 lbs (25-50% for weight)
  • 49.5" (75% for height)
  • fun fact: roman has grown 3 inches and 4lbs in the past year. growing up and not out, i guess!

here's the stats for gianna:

  • 26.8 lbs (5-10% for weight)
  • 36" (25% for height)

so, i guess you could say that she's a peanut.



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