on saturday, we left really early to head up to columbia to tailgate for the USC vs. Furman game. we were going with our friends wil, kelly, mady and ella. they are die hard fans and so we had to live up to some pretty high tailgating standards. we got tickets for the boys and the two older kids, but kelly, me and the little girls hung back at the "camp" waiting for them to come back. it was cool though, we had enough food and drinks to keep us occupied!

all decked out in her garnet gear!
what can i say about these two? they were SO excited to hang together all weekend.
and these two were pretty pumped too!
they spent a lot of time at the adjacent parking lot, just playing football and running around goofing off.
we had a pretty legit setup, i would say. toby even brought our full size grill. no camp grill for us. we had SO MUCH food!
gianna and ella spent some time in the back of the car playing together. too cute!
ella was even really great about helping gianna in and out.
tutu or afro wig...she's versatile with her accessories.
the lucky big kiddos got to go in with the dads and they had a blast!
prom pose for the win!
waving their game towels...woo hoo!
and look who stopped by to say hi! gianna's bestie, lucy!
mady and ro sat on the train tracks for a long time, just talking. we kept saying how we wish we could record their conversations to see what they were talking about. they always seem to have something to say.
we had a great time and are hoping to make it an annual trip!
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