gianna has a really cute little friend in her class at daycare. they have been in the same classroom several times and are only a month apart. lucy is super sweet, and i just love her little personality. lucy's mom emailed me and asked if they could have gianna over for a play date. at first, i thought she might be too young, but then i thought that we could give it a try. to be honest, she really hasn't ever had any play dates of her own, she always gets to tagalong with big brother, but never by herself. so, this was a really special occasion.
we bought cookies to share (the really yummy kind with the frosting on, of course!) and gianna wanted to hold them on the way over.
i love gianna's face in this picture. such a sweet little friendship between these two...
they were really great at playing together and sharing. lucy already had a tutu, so we brought ours and some tiaras and wands to share. so, we had a pink princess and a blue princess.
they danced and ran around the house for a little while before we decided to take a walk and then head to the park.
gianna was always sideways about halfway down. the face is too funny!
the girls were worn out and were sad to say goodbye to each other, so there were some tears, but we promised to return the courtesy and invite lucy to come over soon. can't wait for "Nonna & Lucy" part two...

i think she had a good day, whaddya think?
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