this year for our summer vacation, we planned on going up to visit our family, just like we do each year. but this year, we decided to do something a little different. since mimi turns the big 6-0 this year, we decided to surprise her with a few days at the beach with her kids and grandkids. we booked a condo on the beach in ocean city, maryland and tried to keep our mouths shut for a few months. it was hard, but very worth it in the end.
these kiddos got up early and we were all ready for the long drive. what did our parents do without DVD players in the car?
heather, mac and the girls were about an hour behind us, so we kept them up to date on traffic and how close we were getting. it was torture for heather when we sent her this picture of our building!
after we unloaded the truck, we took a quick trip down to the boardwalk for the kids to see what this beach business was all about. they don't have a boardwalk down here and it just isn't the same!
this was the view to the right off of our balcony. you can see the pier with the Ferris wheel and all the games and rides. so close!
aunt hettie finally arrived and ran downstairs to get mimi some thrasher's fries.
maddy was our informer, telling us when they were close, so when they were in the garage, we all gathered in the kitchen and waited. it was worth all the sneakiness!! mimi was SO surprised.
we got a couple pizzas and downed them pretty quick so we could go ride some rides and play some games before we had to put the kids to bed.
gianna was in love with these duckies
crazies, i tell ya
gianna loved riding the horsie...i can only imagine what she is telling aunt maddy.
later that night, the girls headed out to get some groceries and roman took roman downstairs to get ice cream, but somehow, there was some late night tattooing too!
gianna loved playing in the sand (and dumping it down her bathing suit).
i love this picture. loves of my life...
sunday night, we all got ready to go out to dinner and macee and i were wearing the same skirt!
of course, the dudes had to race some go-karts
and the girls took it easy on the kiddie rides.
funny story: this ride is called the happy swing. the girl sitting next to gianna was having a blast, giggling the whole time. and at one point, you can hear her say "this is why they call it the happy swing!!"
this was our view at night. it was really fun to people watch from above.
one night, we got some crabs. because we were in maryland and that's what you do!
gianna isn't afraid to get on any ride, but this was her first one by herself. and of course, she loved it. she just kept waving at me and mimi every time she went by.
and the happy swing, again!
we won lots of fluffies that night!

um, yes, that IS my 6 (!!!) year old son in the second row of a roller coaster that goes really fast and upside down. i truly love that he is so brave and adventurous, but my momma's heart hurts a little every time i see him on something like that where he could get hurt. i don't know what happened to me, but i used to love to ride them too, but i can't do it anymore.
funny story: they rode this 3 times that night. on the third time, toby told roman that this was the last time they were riding it and he wanted to hear him scream. so, as they started downhill, roman started to yell "THE THIRD TIME'S THE CHAAAARRRRRMMMMM!!!!"
maddy and her boyfriend dennis hung out in the water with the kids.
what is better than lunch on the beach?
mimi came with us to the beach too.
this girl loved her frog hopper ride and of course, momma rode it too. (i know it looks like i'm wearing overalls, but i promise i'm not)
he may be big enough for the roller coaster, but he can hang in the kiddie rides too!
crazy kiddie roller coaster
another lunch shot
roman got an eagles henna tattoo
on our last night, the kids were allowed to pick their favorite ride to ride one more time. maddy and macee chose to go on the slingshot ride and i have to say, they sure are brave.

we had such a wonderful time being with our family, showing our kids how fun the beach where momma and poppa went as children really is. the joy on their faces and the excitement they had the whole time we were there was worth it. we are hoping we can do it again next year.
...and happy birthday mimi, we love you!!!...
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