Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cola, Anyone?

 this weekend, we were lucky enough to score some free tickets to a USC football game in Columbia, SC (nickname = cola), so we decided to make a family trip of it and also head to the zoo on sunday.  the girls dropped off the boys to watch some football and we headed off to do some shopping.

clearly, no fun was had by the boys...
this was FINALLY happening 20 minutes before we had to pick up the boys.  she fought sleep the WHOLE day!
 after we dumped our stuff at the hotel, we headed to the mall to see santa!  i knew gianna probably would not sit on his lap, and i was right, but roman was all about it.  and santa was legit...real beard and everything.  oh yeah!  no pics though...boo!
 this was pretty cool, they had this fake window with video falling snow and if you stood in front of the camera, the snow would accumulate on you or you could throw it up in the air.  pretty neat. 
 after a quick food court dinner, we rode the carousel.  good times!
 gianna was scared at first, but then loved it and cried when we had to get off.  
 the next day, we thought it might not work out because it was supposed to be so cold and windy, but we headed to the zoo anyway.  the kids were bundled and didn't care.  
 ...and she didn't want to ride in her stroller.  the stroller with the biggest fluffiest blanket.  nope.  had to walk. 
 these giraffes were so cool.  they would eat leaves and lettuce right out of your hands. 

gianna loves giraffes and was calling them over, but when they got close, she was scared.  i was a little too, but they ate right out of my hand and, not to be gross, but they are all tongue...no teeth.  haha
 elephants are another favorite.  
 waiting for the penguin feeding time. 
 we had the one of the monkeys take our picture...

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