so, our day started out good. we let poppa sleep in and we went downstairs to hang out. roman wanted to take pictures of me and gianna, so here they are. they are blurry because a 4 year old was taking them.

then ro discovered the feature on the camera that allows you to take a picture of yourself without turning the phone around. and so, i think i ended up with 925 of those. here are some outtakes.
then, we let baby girl play a little. she is definitely rolling onto her belly more and more, but she doesn't really like it once she's there.
and then, poppa woke up. he asked roman if he wanted to get ready to head out to target, so roman went to get dressed. i honestly thought he was still upstairs when i heard a really loud crash. i was on the 2nd step, when i realized he was in the downstairs bathroom. i opened the door and he was standing there, half dressed, crying and there was blood on the floor. i couldn't tell at first where it was coming from, but realized quickly that his teeth were all still in his head (since his mouth was wide open for me to see). so, then i realized it was his chin. i asked him to look up and he had a small little opening, but it was deeper than i was comfortable just slapping a bandaid on. so, we quickly pulled ourselves together and headed to the ER.
our little patient was SOOOO good. he was very brave and very patient. we played games on momma and poppa's phones, did a little yoga, and talked about what toy he would get from target when we were all done.
a very nice doctor stitched him up (only one stitch necessary) and there were NO tears!!! i'm very impressed with this brave little boy of mine. i can't believe he didn't freak out. the worst that happened was that he almost cried when we tried to put a bandaid over the stitch. he is afraid it will hurt when it is time to take it off. but the doc said the stitch can stay in for a week, so we told him that he could leave the bandaid on that long, so we had a happy camper on our hands. we picked up some Mickey D's on the way to target and now he is resting. thank you God for a brave little boy and an injury that was not worse than this!
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