Sunday, May 27, 2012


we've been waiting notsopatiently for little Lilah Grace Miller for a while now.  she finally made her grand entrance early saturday morning.  happy birth day little sweetie pie!  these are a few pics that my brother, josh and his wife, colleen have sent me.

this is my mom with her 4th grandchild.  her first grandchild turns 18 this summer, so they certainly are spread out, huh?
this pic really shows her cute little chipmunk cheeks.  that part she gets from her father.
here she is in her milk coma.  sweet little Lilah Grace, we love you so much!  we will meet you soon.  

and this was the prayer that roman prayed a few days before Lilah arrived.
translation: dear God, thank you for Lilah Grace to come out of Aunt Colleen's belly, and help us be healthy for her, and help us have safe travels, amen

No Plans

we had no plans this weekend, which was nice. taekwondo and chores around the house and a target trip is all i needed to do.  and honestly, that's all i did.  

girlfriend was kicked back at taekwondo
we got a new bib, which has made dinnertime a little easier.  for me anyway.  

this isn't the best picture, but it really shows off those two teeth
my little shopping buddy
i let roman hold gianna all by himself for the first time.  it was hilarious.  he couldn't stop laughing and she looked scared.  it didn't last long.  about long enough to take this pic and drop the phone to get her.  ha!
this is more his speed!

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Favorite 2 Peeps

my little bundle of sweetness is growing up.  the pediatrician suggested that she start using a sippy cup, so here she is using it for the first time.  she's super cute, no?

when we got home from our trip to charlotte, roman was such a good kid.  we were busy getting unpacked and situated and he made himself busy making a fort.
she was giving me a bunch of sass while we were eating and i caught her in mid-babble. 
who can have a bad day when your day starts out like this?

Forever Friends

this weekend was our annual trip to charlotte to see our friends, the tates and the grdinas.  you can read about our first trip here and last year's trip here.  we always look forward to it and this year was no different, other than the fact that there were two more kids this year!  of course, we added gianna, but our friends, stacey and jay added hunter charles just 10 weeks ago.  he is such a sweetie, so good, he barely made a peep the whole time.

roman was super excited to go see all the kids.  we just got out of bed and hopped in the car.  didn't even change out of his pajamas!
the girls were anxious to see when we would get there, but unfortunately, i was driving, so toby intercepted the text...
as soon as we got there, we were starving, so we headed out to lunch at taco mac.  yum.
then it was play time for the kiddos

the girls, arianne and ashleigh are so cute together.  they are so girly, walking around in heels all weekend, wearing jewelry and princess crowns. is this what i'm in for in the next few years?
jj is such a little techie.  he was always stealing people's phones and his mom's tablet.  too funny!
picnic dinner on the floor, watching curious george
gianna was happy to just hang out in her baby gym
how hilarious is this.  hunter, 10 weeks.  gianna, 6 months.  same binky, same pose, passed out.
arianne is such a sweetie.  she came up to me and said, "miss stacie, your baby is so kind"  ha ha
colellas hanging out
tate boys chillin'
the ladies.  we decided that next year is our year to go out.  the boys have been going to the race and leaving the kids with us for too long!
i had to put this one in too.  look at the little creeper next to me...hee hee, and there's another creeper in the one above, next to autumn.  love those kids!
our annual picture of the kids.  
roman (4), ashleigh (3), arianne (3), jj (2), gianna (6 mos), hunter (10 weeks)
girlfriend was soooo tired, we weren't even out of the neighborhood and she was out!
we are so grateful to have made these friends when we lived in ohio and to have the opportunity to keep in touch with them and see them every year.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sharing the Kids Rooms

today i am linking up the posts with Thrifty Decor Chick (who is totally awesome, love all her posts!) to share the kids rooms. if you like looking at really cool kids rooms, i suggest you head over and see all the cool rooms. i love getting new ideas (you know, for someday in the future)!

Thrifty Decor Chick

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

i had such a wonderful mother's day!  toby tried to let me sleep in, but my kids just wanted to hang out with me, which i love, so i only got about an extra hour of sleep.  which is totally fine with me.  my boys came back up to wake me up so that i could enjoy a homemade breakfast of pancakes and bacon.  then, the hubz had scheduled a mani/pedi for me so off i went...

i made sure to park the truck far away and backed it in.  good enough?
getting my toes decked out in "cajun shrimp"
cards from my boys...and a "flower" that roman made for me at school (awwww)
after naptime i got to do what i love best...hanging out with my kiddos

gianna loves to sit up now and she actually likes to watch tv too
this is her fresh from nap dazed and confused face
oh hey there pretty girl!
roman did not want to take a picture with me, so this is what happened...see him trying not to smile?
okay, momma's too goofy not to get a smile out of him
and finally, roman's favorite color is green (these days), so i got some bath fizzies that turn the bathwater different colors and we dropped in a blue one and a yellow one.  what do yellow and blue make?  a happy bath, that's what!
this is what being a mom is all about and i love every minute of it!

Chase and Gage's Birthday Party

the highlight of our saturday was chase and gage's birthday party!  roman had been looking forward to it all week.  he knew there would be a bounce house, which is always exciting, but most of all, he just wanted to play cars with chase!  those boys and their nascar(shakes head)...

birthday boy gage in his cadillac exersaucer
gianna in her little civic exersaucer
ro and rylee headed down the slide
and here come chase and ro

one right after the other
here comes finley
and here's ry and ro again
meanwhile, the babies had to hang out over on the patio
it looks like they were really interested in each other's toys
gage could reach over and grab gianna's toy
what guys?  we were just playin', i promise
time for cake!
silly birthday boy!  funny says to ro (in his deepest little voice):  "hey ro, i need you." ro looks over at him..."you like my beard?"  oh lordy, it was so stinkin' funny.  those boys are a mess!
pretty girls...gianna and jj
mikey and the newest colella, mikah
gage was having fun in baby jail!
mikah was trying to catch some zzz's
the boys...
roman played a little golf

first outtake...had to include this one.  look at mikey's face and brian eating a cheeto in the background.  too funny!
a little bit better
sleepy girl
time to open presents!
alright...a cool truck!

girlfriend got all cozy snuggling up with mikey...she was drooling. :)