we have been very lucky to have gotten a bunch of great hand-me-downs from friends. some of them haven't even been worn, they still have tags on them! since little miss smiley pants seems to be growing like a weed, i have to constantly go through her clothes and set aside the ones she has outgrown and go through the new ones and the hand-me-downs. i have a bad habit of "saving" the really cute outfits for special occasions. but, how often do those occur? not too often. certainly not often enough when she grows so quickly. so, i've decided that she is going to wear these cute outfits no matter whether we are going anywhere or not...and she is going to wear them to daycare too!
here's my girl ready for a day out shopping with momma. (we decided after going through her clothes that the only thing she really needed was new pajamas. my girl is growing out of her footies so quick!)

...and of course, my handsome little man is growing too! look at those swimming trunks...don't they look like they are toby's hand-me-downs? too big, too quick! oh, and yes, i know he is skinny. but, i promise we feed him.
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