here's the story, morning glory: at about 12:30am, i started having some noticeably consistent contractions. i started timing them at around 1:30 and by 2:30, i knew that we needed to go to the hospital. i woke toby up and he called his sister, Heather to come stay with Roman. when he called her, he didn't even have to say a word. she answered and said, "i knew it, i knew it...i'll be right there!" he didn't even get a chance to say anything.
we got to the hospital around 3:30 and i was about 3cm dilated with consistent contractions, so they said they would keep me. the wait was on. around 9:30 or 10ish, missi and heather came to keep us company. my mom was on her way too. when the doc came to check me around 1:15, she said i was ready to push. i pushed three times through one contraction and then on the next round, she told me to stop. it looked like we were getting close to 1:34, which is the time of day that roman was born (on a Friday too!). so, we waited through 2 more contractions and even though the baby was trying to come out on it's own, we actually made it to 1:34 and i think that is pretty cool to have both my kids born at the exact same time of day.
the doc said that the baby had the cord around the neck and so she needed to cut the cord to get the baby all the way out. when the doctor finally pulled the baby all the way out, Toby got to announce (and i was able to catch a peek) that we had a BABY GIRL! what a freakin' surprise. i had really thought all along that it was a boy. so much for mother's intuition. i should have listened to Roman all along!
so that's the story. she's here. she's perfect. her name is Gianna Heather Colella. it means "God is gracious". i know He is. i have proof. she weighed 7lbs, 10oz and is 20 inches. she's laying on my lap right now making kissy faces. i could eat her up.
big brother Roman loves her so much already. he calls her by her full name. Gianna Heather. so cute.
probably a yawn, but it looks like she's singing. i'm so happy i could sing too!
Oh Colella family! I cannot even say in words how happy I am for you all. No doubt in my mind you will cherish this little angel, as you have Roman, and she will be a beautiful addition to your family! Love to you all and wishes for a happy, enjoyable future for you all.
PRAISE THE LORD!! I have been praying for you and this little one for a long time and yes God is gracious and He is so good!!! What a precious blessing!!! I love you so much and I am so happy for you, Toby and Roman!! and of course the rest of your family. Now your mom doesn't have to cut the flower off the hat or blanket hehe I love you friend!
ps wait till I tell LD...11.11.11! such a wonderful day. Excited to share birthday month with Gianna =)
This post literally gave me goosebumps & made me tear up.
Congrats Stacie! I'm so happy for all of you!
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