when mom was here last weekend (sorry, no pics...never even picked up my camera!), she totally rocked it and painted the dresser, glider and even a shelf that she brought with her. well, this weekend, we finally got the stuff in the nursery and most of the other junk out. we still have a few things to do, but this progress makes me very happy!
when roman was born, we didn't have a glider in the room (it was almost a year before we did), so i am super pumped to have this from day one.

see the shelf on the wall? i was thinking that i wanted shelves in there, but have never had them, so this was pretty awesome...two shelves and some peg hooks too! i've kinda crowded that corner with other baby goodies (bassinet, bouncy seat, bumbo, etc...)

i'm 34 weeks today, so i guess the little one will be here before we know it!
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