since we have moved here to south carolina and specifically since i started working at hilton head health, i have made the absolute best friends i could ever ask for. i am so grateful for the support and love that i get from them. one of those sweet girls is allison. we love having her over to the house just to watch tv or have dinner. she loves roman and always asks to watch duke when we go out of town. she is just one of those people that you can rely on and always talk to. the weekend that my mom was here, allison planned a surprise shower for me and baby colella. i didn't find out until about an hour before, so it truly was a surprise. allison did a wonderful job with planning, decorating and feeding us! take a look at some of these pics from my special day!
how cute was this little handmade invitation?
allison made all of the tissue pom poms with the raindrops that were hanging all over. how cute?
baby clothesline

see the pink paper? that's from my mom. she's not so subtle at hinting at what gender she is hoping for!

we played a game about old wives tales and gender guessing. pretty fun!

roman had a good time at the party too, except he kept asking "when is the party gonna start?" i asked him when does a party start for him and he said "when you sing happy birthday"

pink socks from my mom...see, i told you she has a preference!

roman wearing the baby's new duckie towel

sadly, this is the only picture i have of my mom when she was down. i know, i'm a slacker!

mom made the baby two blankets, this one was a quilted one with dragonflies on it. so cute!

the second one was crocheted (soooo soft) with some flowers on it (removable in case baby colella is a boy). it had a matching hat. super cute. i can't wait to use it.

roman got bored with all the girly party stuff and finally found a sports illustrated to look at.

thank you allison for everything you did to make that day so special. i am forever grateful and indebted to you. hopefully, i can re-pay with your own shower someday!