Monday, October 31, 2011

Orange Overload

it's pumpkin painting time!

we strip down to underwear for this... he wanted to "dress up" his spooky pumpkin in a fireman hat and badge...
all dressed up ready to go trick or treating hi-yah! poppa's turn to do the walking this year... momma, look at all my candy!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin "Poking"?

since moving to the south, we've realized that pumpkins don't last super long if they are carved. it's just too warm. they get all melty looking. not a good look if you are a pumpkin. also, he's growing up fast, but still isn't quite ready for the carving with sharp objects yet. so, we have painted our pumpkins for the last few years. but, this year, sunny gave him a kit to make his pumpkin into a "woody" pumpkin. so, we poked our pumpkin this year! cute, huh?

Monday, October 17, 2011

36 weeks

let the countdown begin!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Pickin'

we were invited by mady and her mom, kelly to go to holiday farms with them this weekend to go on a hayride and pick out pumpkins. sounded good to me! there were lots of things for the kids to do, like a bounce house, duck races, lasso the bull, and of course, the hayride. as roman said on the way home..."i had a great time at the pumpkin patch".

bounce house fun

silly face on the hayridepicking out his pumpkin this was a good oneriding back to the farm with our pumpkins mady got a good pumpkin too!aren't these girls cute? this dude is kinda cute too, huh? john deere tricycle racing let the duck races begin!roman sending the duck back to mady he got his face painted too!

fall is here, even if the fall weather isn't!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Moving on Up

roman has been in taekwondo for a few months now and he had a chance on saturday to test for a new belt. we thought he did pretty well, but in the end, the instructor was disappointed with the whole class and did not award any belts. he said he would give them a chance to come back on tuesday night to re-test for their belts. all of these pictures except the last one are from saturday's testing. since the re-test was on tuesday at 4:45, we had to have aunt hettie pick roman up and take him. toby got there in time to see him get his belt, but unfortunately, i missed it! so, i was only able to get a picture of him after he got his belt.

this is the one from tuesday night. can you tell he's proud of himself?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Showered with Love

since we have moved here to south carolina and specifically since i started working at hilton head health, i have made the absolute best friends i could ever ask for. i am so grateful for the support and love that i get from them. one of those sweet girls is allison. we love having her over to the house just to watch tv or have dinner. she loves roman and always asks to watch duke when we go out of town. she is just one of those people that you can rely on and always talk to. the weekend that my mom was here, allison planned a surprise shower for me and baby colella. i didn't find out until about an hour before, so it truly was a surprise. allison did a wonderful job with planning, decorating and feeding us! take a look at some of these pics from my special day!

how cute was this little handmade invitation?

allison made all of the tissue pom poms with the raindrops that were hanging all over. how cute?

baby clothesline see the pink paper? that's from my mom. she's not so subtle at hinting at what gender she is hoping for!
we played a game about old wives tales and gender guessing. pretty fun! roman had a good time at the party too, except he kept asking "when is the party gonna start?" i asked him when does a party start for him and he said "when you sing happy birthday"pink socks from my mom...see, i told you she has a preference! roman wearing the baby's new duckie towel sadly, this is the only picture i have of my mom when she was down. i know, i'm a slacker!mom made the baby two blankets, this one was a quilted one with dragonflies on it. so cute! the second one was crocheted (soooo soft) with some flowers on it (removable in case baby colella is a boy). it had a matching hat. super cute. i can't wait to use it. roman got bored with all the girly party stuff and finally found a sports illustrated to look at. thank you allison for everything you did to make that day so special. i am forever grateful and indebted to you. hopefully, i can re-pay with your own shower someday!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nursery Progress

when mom was here last weekend (sorry, no pics...never even picked up my camera!), she totally rocked it and painted the dresser, glider and even a shelf that she brought with her. well, this weekend, we finally got the stuff in the nursery and most of the other junk out. we still have a few things to do, but this progress makes me very happy!

when roman was born, we didn't have a glider in the room (it was almost a year before we did), so i am super pumped to have this from day one.

see the shelf on the wall? i was thinking that i wanted shelves in there, but have never had them, so this was pretty awesome...two shelves and some peg hooks too! i've kinda crowded that corner with other baby goodies (bassinet, bouncy seat, bumbo, etc...)it's starting to feel like a real nursery again!

i'm 34 weeks today, so i guess the little one will be here before we know it!