you know how it seems like you don't have anything planned and then BLAM, all of a sudden, you are slammed with things to do and places to go? well, enter july. we've been having tons of fun with visits from family and a quick trip up north, a work party and i'm looking forward to a visit from a friend i haven't seen in a long time later this week.
here's some pics from our trip home. the whole reason we went was for my nephew CJ's surprise 16th birthday party. i really can't believe he is 16! my brother and sister-in-law organized the party and my grandmother hosted it at her farm. it rained (well, it poured), but that didn't matter, we still had fun!
we stayed the first night at josh & colleen's new house in PA and, oh boy, is it nice. super comfortable and there is always a breeze outside. wish could have spent more time there. uncle josh took ro on a tractor ride in the morning (notice the woody pajamas!)
how cool are they?

then, after a 3 hour trip thanks to MD beach traffic...we were at nana's. time to set up for the party and cool off in the pool!

i think he might have been having a little fun.

aunt colleen joined in too!

ooooh, pass me the ball...
this was the card for CJ from all those that pitched in for his truck...notice the face...we cut out a pic of him from when he was little. i think it fits quite well...hee hee

colleen and krista trying to keep cool while we were waiting for CJ to arrive

this is how roman was waiting for CJ to arrive

sorry nana, there might have been a little drool on the couch!

finally! the birthday boy arrives!

biting his nails...he was embarrassed, i think.

he took roman for a golf cart ride down to the pond

and here he is when he got back...he had just spotted his new ride!

checking out the truck

paparazzi shots. those are his older brothers in the background

coming back from his first ride with uncle josh

oh yeah, he's cool

finally, he realizes what is on the card...

nana is so crafty

mommom got ro a buzz lightyear bubble gun

nice hat

letting lexi catch the bubbles

proud to be awesome

more presents

roman watching the boys play ping pong

uncle dale's got skills

the original ping pong king, uncle gene

toby's showing some table tennis moves

stick 'em up...

well, that went too quick...i'm ready for another visit. can we make it longer next time?
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