Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
According to My Phone...
saturday morning: old navy

mission: hang out "alone" with his lady friend, i.e., without the rest of the kiddos from daycare
p.s. look at the height difference...she's actually 3 days older than him!sunday: home
mission: clean the house
p.s. this is what i wish i was doing on cleaning day... ...and to all of my family who felt the need to text me pictures of all the family fun you were having this weekend, yes, i am totally jealous! i miss you guys and wish we were there!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Teach A Boy To Fish
turns out that roman has been asking to go fishing alot lately. unfortunately for him, neither toby or i know how to. i'm hoping that my little guy likes this enough that he won't notice that we are surrounded by water and we don't know how to catch a fish...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Spinning Art Caddy
you can check mine out here...
oh, and p.s. this is for roman's birthday. he currently does not read my blog and so he doesn't know. let's keep it that way!
i love that it spins around so his little arms can reach everything he needs without standing up in his chair or on the table. i hope he thinks it's fun to use.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Take Me Out To The Ballgame
it was actually very pleasant. high 70's and lots of moving air from some super huge fans. hot dogs, beer, ice cream....could we ask for more? i don't think so.

Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sweet Feet & Sweet Treat
my friend amanda drove 5 1/2 hours just to see us. she got here thursday afternoon and just left this morning. she left her little girl, peyton with the hubby in nc and just brought little ryan with her. he was such a good little guy as we took him around all over the place...
so sad to say goodbye...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Like, Totally Rad
patty was pregnant in the 80's...very creative jose must have had a 'fro in the 80's
katie rockin' a super rad outfit
ro shared his t-ball set with leo. linda and her daughter lauren
leticia made these fabulous cakes!
bob pulled out all the stops on this outfit this cool cat camped out at the bar all night
wife of cool cat was looking pretty cute. love the blue eye shadow
um, seriously? yes, he did.
allison rockin' the side pony...