once upon a time, we lived in ohio. we met some really great friends. john and autumn were our neighbors and we knew kyle from work. kyle was really smart and started dating chrissy. about 4.5 kids ago...we went skiing over new year's eve. we had a great time. i just found these pics in my old dinosaur of a computer. i had to post them because it makes me happy. good times. maybe we will all take our kids skiing someday. hopefully there won't be any scary late night drives on seriously curvy, icy roads.
kyle and chrissy
autumn and john

toby and stacie

what the heck is that hat about john?

pretty girls!

extreme close-up

sorry this isn't rotated. but i couldn't leave it out. the hubs is just crazy. always.

it was an "adult" weekend. not that kind. i'm not even sure kyle is an adult.

i seriously got sunburn on the slopes that day.

how bored and pissed off do i look? i'm pretty sure i was just the only sober one.

what a great time with some really great friends. sorry to interrupt the regularly scheduled programming for this trip down memory lane.
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