it all started 2 years ago.
we had recently moved here and were near family again.
any excuse to have them over and eat would do.
and so pumpkin fest was born.
we are on our 3rd one now and it has only gotten better.
the premise: we provide the food and the tools to carve/paint a pumpkin,
you bring the pumpkins. fun, huh? we think so....
this year we had chicken n dumplings (oh so yummy) and cold veggie pizza (my favorite). we also decided that painting some of the pumpkins would be a good idea for two reasons,
1. the kids aren't so great with knives, and2. unfortunately it is still hot here in October and our
pumpkins rot in about a day if you carve them...bummer :(here are some pictures from pumpkin fest '09!!
rylee, brooke & brayden
rylee & roman
missi & ro
brooke & christina
mac, scott & missi eating chicken n dumplings....mmmmm, yum
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