it's Halloween already? seems like yesterday was the first day of school!
we started celebrating a little early with trunk or treat at the school on friday night.
roman was a scary-crow, and gianna was a unicorn.
but, before we did that...we had to decorate our pumpkins!
i'm happy to say we did NO carving this year...just a little creative paint and accessories...
at the trunk or treat festivities, it was SO fun to see lots of school friends
crazy eyes colella strikes again!
the kids also got to dress up for their school parade. gianna quickly transitioned from unicorn to mermaid.
and, roman became a not-so-scary-crow.
my beautiful mermaid!
a scarecrow among football players
for the main event (halloween night), our scarycrow and mermaid (complete with purple hair) were ready for some action. roman stays behind at the house and hands out tricks, while gianna goes out to find some treats! don't worry...she shares her bounty with her brother.
getting into character
we found our friend, adeline, as a beautiful fairy ballerina.
we went and picked up rylee to hang with us for the night!

these two😍
after a successful evening of tricks and treats, our tradition of porch pictures with mady and ella continues on...
i ain't afraid of no ghost!!
seeing my babies looking so grown made me a little nostalgic for when they were still my babies and so i took a little walk down memory lane and i can't believe how much they have grown. it's only been a minute since i had littles...where did they go?
...'til next year...