a while back, our friends the putnams, invited us to their property to go four-wheelin'. we had just sold the boys' atvs, so we were kinda bummed, but we were able to ride with them and some other friends brought their dirt bikes too, so it was all good.
they plan on building their house on this land at some point, but they just aren't ready yet. so, there's nothing there really. but jason has cleared some paths and they have a zipline set up for the kids.

everybody brought chairs and food and we set up camp. well, this is what gianna considers setting up camp. ;)
the putnams have this little polaris vehicle that is so much fun for the kids because it is so small and two can ride side by side.
the boys figured out the zipline pretty quickly.
roman got to drive the polaris quite a bit
happy boy!
toby took gianna and i on a little 4 wheeler ride...
gianna decided to brave the zipline too!
these boys were DIRTY!
these boys were even dirtier!
gianna loved riding with big brother
i love these boys...this is roman's friend, waylan. he is just the nicest kid.
but, look at that dirt. we were blowing black dirt out of our noses for days!