Monday, June 29, 2015

Where Are All the Videos???

believe me, i'm trying. but the app i use to blog is having some difficulty right now with allowing youtube videos to be used in blog entries. so, if you want to see us AND hear us...check out my youtube channel ...


Stacie's YouTube Channel

there ya go!

hopefully, they will have a fix soon and i can add them to my regular posts!


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Gianna's Recital

okay, i'm just going to be really honest here. gianna begged to do ballet. i never brought it up. her friend emma was doing it and it came out of the blue for me. so, we took her to watch a practice and she said she wanted to do it. so, she's been doing ballet since january. some days are harder than others (she might cry throught the whole class) and i've been wondering if she really likes it or not. but, you have to sign up for the june recital WAY ahead of time in order for them to order the dress and prepare the girls. so we did. as we got closer to the recital, i was nervous that it would NOT go well. she was crying more and more in class and not wanting to leave my side. (we are not allowed in the room when they practice)

so, when recital picture day rolled around on monday, june 1, i picked gianna up and fed her, dressed her and headed to the studio. and she fell apart. cried the whole time they were taking the group picture. i ended up not letting her take individual pictures because...duh, see above. i was so angry. i may have lost my cool and told her that she ruined the picture for everyone else. okay, i did say that.

toby wanted me to pull her out of the recital and not make her do it. however, i felt like we committed to it, paid for it, bought tickets for it, etc...we were gonna do it. the rest of the week i tried to casually mention it each day, with enthusiasm so it wasn't a stressor. when friday rolled around and it was time for the dress rehearsal, she clung to me and didn't want to go with her teacher. but, in the end...she went. and she didn't cry. she seemed excited! hurdle overcome.

saturday came and we headed to the recital. i had lowered my expectations and just thought that a crying tiny dancer would be funny to watch. BUT, i'm happy to say, she DIDN'T cry...she did a few moves and seemed to like it. yay GG!!!

who knows whether she will keep it up or not. if she hates it, i'm not going to make her do it, but i feel like she will like it more as time goes on. she truly is a girly girl who loves a twirly dress, so why wouldn't she want to dance?




i'm so proud of my girl!!!


Friday, June 19, 2015

Last Day of First Grade

can you believe it? i officially have a 2nd grader. what!?


these two have really shot up this year...crazy to see the first day/last day side by side!


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Memorial Day Fun

this year for memorial day, we decided to have some st. gregory friends over for a fun party in the backyard. so, toby decided that we should build a firepit. the day before. oh joy. was easy, but still a lot of heavy lifting. those pavers aren't light! we love how it turned out and it is perfect for roasting marshmallows!!!



the bounce house is here!!! where are my friends?

she's got the baby pool all to herself. little did she know that soon enough it would become a water gun refilling station for the boys.

love this. all the boys in their swimming trunks, playing ball in the side yard.

sneak attack from the top of the water slide!!

17 kids were here, and about 10 adults. so much fun!

ice cream sandwiches are the best. the messier the better!

nel, gianna and gracie had so much fun together. these girls are too cute!


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Bulls Baseball

the boys have finally wrapped up their baseball season. they made it to the second round of playoffs and they played hard. the thunder shut down the bulls in a hard game, but we are so proud of this team and the way they played all season. toby and aj coached along with a really nice guy named george and the whole team was so fun to watch all season long. i'm going to miss it, i think. but, i don't think i can handle another ballpark hotdog and chips for dinner for a while!

this is chase headed toward third on an awesome hit that ended up a homerun!

yeah buddy!
our friend, sherri, took this pic of me and lisa watching one of the hot rods games.

for the playoff games, the boys got to play on the "big" field and it was so much fun!


colella cousins!

this crazy team!

sweaty and dirty. tired, but smiling. you deserve that trophy! roman worked so hard all season long, practicing quite a bit with poppa and truly getting so much better during the season. i'm so proud of him!

coach poppa!

and this little lady was there for all the games too!