i can hardly believe it, but my baby boy is 7!!!!!!
i am sad that the time seems to be flying by, but am so joyful for what he brings to our lives. he is funny and kind. he is thoughtful and grateful. he is a momma's boy and such a cuddler. he is strong and confident. he is persistent and patient. he is so many things and we are so thankful that God chose us to be his parents.
on his birthday eve, i snuck in to give kisses to the almost birthday boy. here is what i saw. the hand over the eyes is cracking me up. and the snuggle with his froggy melts my heart.
after i was sure he was asleep for the night, the preparations began. the balloon avalanche was in place.
the presents were lined up down the hallway.
but, in true Murphy's law fashion, this would be the one night that he called for me. he almost never does. but, because i had closed his door all the way to set up the avalanche, he got a little scared. of course, i cracked the door so as not to let the balloons fall in and said, "what's the matter, Ro". that wouldn't do. he needed me to come in. so, i did. and so did all the balloons. he was groggy and confused, but realized that the balloons were supposed to be for his birthday. so, he asked me to set them up again for him so he could have them fall on him in the morning. he said, "maybe i'll forget." haha so, i left the door open and balloons on the ground until about 6:30, then set them up again for the big avalanche!
and, HERE'S the BIRTHDAY BOY!!! (p.s. he said that he was surprised, because he forgot)
too bright mom!
and we took all the presents downstairs to open.
this is a little long, but we wanted to capture the moment (which ended up being a few moments, actually)
he spent a good portion of the day as Roman the Magnificent...thanks to a magic set from Aunt Hettie.
we had some birthday cuddles on the couch...
and then we went to mady's birthday party...
it's hard to see, but the birthday boy was the one to bust the pinata open. candy for everybody!!!
in a sea of pink, my little man was happy to celebrate his best friend

we are so blessed to have these two as first and best friends. now, if mady could just grow a little so ro doesn't have to bend down...haha
we ended the day with dress-ups. i guess we are ready for the next holiday, Halloween!!!
happy happy happy birthday Ro!! love you with all my heart!