i told toby that after we got the floors installed and the house back together that i wanted to create an area near the front door where we could hang jackets and bookbags and such. we have lots of these things and they end up all over, mostly on the back of our kitchen chairs. then, i knock them off while i'm walking past them and i get all annoyed. it just wasn't working for me. so, i researched for a while and figured out that to best utilize the space we had {not much}, i wanted two rows of hooks. high ones for me and toby, low ones for the kiddos. so, the best {looking} and most practical solution was board and batten with two sections.
toby installed the boards and battens and i might have started to drool a little. organization might make me a little too happy.
and here is the final product. glorious organization. can i get an amen?
this is the view from the stairs. we really didn't want to see our mess of coats and bags when we first walked in the front door, so this is kind of hidden, a u-turn once you walk in. but, near the door and ready for when we walk out or in. love it.
you know i couldn't wait to load it up. i might add a basket for shoes later on, but right now, i'm liking it just like this. the kids can sit right on the step and put their shoes on. i don't want to clutter it up with a bench.
...and, drumroll please...
our new playroom!
{please excuse the dark, shadowy picture}
same shelves, new baskets to hide the crazy and contain the toys better.
new rug, new chairs, new art, lots of toys gone {yard sale this saturday!!}
funny thing about this picture. toby and i can't agree on anything. the rug was a miracle. the art, miracle #2! we both saw it and said we liked it. it is a canvas of a tree in charleston. right colors, right size, right price. order it! so, he put it up on saturday and heather came over with the girls on saturday night to watch the kids while we went out. roman was sitting in the playroom and just randomly pointed at the picture and said "my dad picked out that weird picture". haha
this may looked cluttered to you, but this is WAY less cluttered than before.
toby wanted to have something for us to sit on in this room so we could hang out and watch the kids play. i thought it would block the room off. we ended up with these two chairs {and they actually recline} and i think they work well. you can still walk around on either side and there is a whole rug to play on in front of it.
we put roman's desk/table in the corner and this is where he does his homework every day now. it is away from the hectic kitchen/dining room when we get home. and toby found a couple of things to hang on the walls so he can see his spelling words for the week or his art or whatever.
i'm loving all the changes. i think it is going to be really good for our family to have less clutter, more organization. we will play more with what we already have and be able to spend less time cleaning up.