Monday, February 25, 2013

Blooms, Baths, Basketball, Baseball!

so, as i mentioned in the last post, i got some beautiful flowers from my boys for valentine's day.  well, then it was my birthday, and i got EVEN MORE!  check out all of these beautiful blooms!  i am one lucky lady for sure!
gianna has been loving bathtime lately, and she's been getting more of them (due to rubbing her breakfast, lunch and dinner in her hair).  she loves this princess crown, mostly because she loves hearing the velcro open and close.
this particular day, gianna had a fever, so i stripped her down to her diaper to let her cool off.  she loved the way the applesauce felt in her fingers and on her belly (and chin).  did i mention more baths?
  roman had his last basketball game of the season on saturday.  i'm not sure if he made any baskets or not, but i know he was really focused on passing the ball to his friends carson and caleb to make sure that they got a chance to make a basket.  i'm really proud of him and how he cares about others.  of course, he has his selfish moments, but he truly does love to see others succeed too.  it's really sweet. 

and, of course, gianna adores her older brother and wants to be just like him.  so, she was wearing his jersey around the house while he was at church on sunday morning.  too cute.
it had been raining a lot last week and all day saturday, so we took advantage of the sunny sunday weather and went down to the ball fields to get a little pre-season t-ball practice in with roman's friend, carson.  

gianna loved wearing roman's gloves while he was out fielding some balls.
that's my boy!  he was hitting off the tee this particular time, but they also did some hitting without it.  he did pretty good!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A LOVEly Week

we had a pretty darn good week around here.  i cannot complain.  

gianna had a little episode on tuesday night though.  i think she got choked up while coughing and her dinner came up, but we weren't certain it wasn't a virus, so i stayed home with her on wednesday.  i had some errands to run, though, so while i was getting ready, i propped her up on her boppy (haven't used that in a while) and she was in heaven.  she just went limp and watched cartoons while i did my makeup and hair.  she really didn't want to move when i was done.  

she is really starting to talk more and say different words

and her teachers have been telling me that she's been feeding herself her yogurt, so we figured we would try it at home too.
i was super excited to put out all of their valentine's goodies that night.  gianna got a purple hippo, some ribbon and a love bug with a new hairbrush.  her valentine's mailbox had a valentine from momma and poppa and some yogurt covered raisins.
roman got a love bug with a mustache sandwich cutter, a gift card to target and a mini cow pillow pet that he has appropriately named "moo-moo".  his valentine mailbox had a valentine from momma and poppa and a few chocolate peanut butter hearts.
he was super happy with his gift card
and the candy hearts that were hidden in his love bug
she was happy too, but i think it was mostly because she had a chocolate chip muffin
but, she did do a little primping for the boys at school with her new hairbrush
roman also had snow day at school on valentine's day because it was re-scheduled from tuesday, which was pouring down rain.  he was super excited to throw some snowballs, especially at his teacher.  it was a really cool day for them.  after the snow, they got to change into their pajamas and be "snowed-in" for the day.  they got to drink hot chocolate and read books for most of the day.  sounds like my kind of day. 
i was feeling the love at work too.  toby sent me flowers and chocolate covered strawberries.
and my little sweetheart boy brought me flowers.  i absolutely love them and he was so proud to give them to me.  he's gonna make some girl a very lucky lady someday FAR in the future.  
roman had no school on friday, so toby stayed home with him.  it was also gianna's 15 month checkup, so the boys took her.  roman was really sweet and gave her his camo hat to wear and his love bug (buzz buzz) to hold on to because he said she was sad.  
today, we went to the park to meet up with mady and ella to play.  all of a sudden, the sun went in and the wind picked up and it got COLD! so, we came home and played here.  the kids had lunch, in the shape of mustaches thanks to roman's new sandwich cutter.  they thought that was super fun.  
roman gave ella a teddy bear for valentine's day.  
and for his best girl, mady, he got her some flowers and a teddy bear.  here he was whispering in her ear "happy valentine's day".  so super cute.  
he was showing her how to play games on his innotab.  

it was a just LOVEly week around here!

Monday, February 11, 2013

15 Months

our little lady turns 15 months old today.  it's hard to imagine our lives without her.  she just adds so much fun and beauty to our home.  love you, babaloo!

here's what she's up to these days:

  • i think she weighs around 21-22 pounds.  we find out on friday at her appointment.  
  • she wears mostly 12-18 month or 18 month clothes, but a lot of times the pants are too long, so i think she's a shorty like her momma.
  • she is walking and almost running at times and she rarely ever falls.  she does lose her balance sometimes or she slips, but she is really good at it.  
  • her curls are really getting crazy in the back.  still kinda flat on top.  nice little mullet she's got going on. 
  • she's starting to say a few more words
    • outside - ah-siiiiiiiiigh
    • guido - eeeee, ooooo
    • please - okay so this isn't really verbal, but she rubs her belly.  who knows where that came from
    • muffins - muh muh (she's adopted her brother's morning mini-muffin habit)
    • more - muh
  • she loves to wear these stuffed rings on her arms almost all the time.  she's gotta have them at bedtime.  its kind of ridiculous.  
  • she will give hugs and kisses almost always when you ask for them.  very lovey and cuddly, just like roman.
  • she tries almost all foods.  if you have something that looks interesting to her, she wants it.  75% of the time she likes it.  just this week she tried and liked avocado, strawberries, wheat thin crisps (with a seasoning on them), oatmeal, pancakes and clementines.
she is a big goofball, she fits right in with the rest of us goofballs.  i love it.  just check out this crazy kid.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Unloading My Phone

random selection here, but you know how it goes...

little man got outfitted with the baseball necessities. not sure when baseball starts, but he'll be ready!
it was crazy hair day at school.  time for prayer.  so glad there was a knight in dull armor there.  i felt so protected.
this was his forest ranger uniform.  it's making me flash forward to his teen years.  headphones on, looking all grown up.  ugh...i can't handle it. 
this was the card he gave me at Muffins for Mom day at school.  i absolutely love it.  the house drawing has the three of us cuddling, with toby off to the side.  that's typical :)  he's very accurate. 
oh man, cookies warm from the oven.  yeah, baby!
this girl loves her rings.  has to have them on her arms to go to sleep.  typically i go in when i go to bed and remove them.  i leave them in her bed so she can get them in the morning if she wants (she does a lot of the time).  but this is how i found her the other night.  so funny.  
he's been in this room for a few years and this is the first time he's ever sat on the floor to read a book.  glad i left the pillows there.  i almost gave up that he would ever snuggle up down there. 
i love this.  he was holding her hand walking her into the house after his basketball game. 
her first ponytail of many. 
we went to a birthday party today and he made this fishbowl.  
just hanging out in her chair with her purse and her cell phone.  look out poppa, you are in trouble.  
our crazy boy...goofin off with my scarf
lounging on our new couch.  to be clear, this is still in the store, we just went back today to pay for it and we knew he would want to sit on it and recline.  see his hand on the button. just like his poppa, he's a sucker for anything with a power cord.  
gianna preferred the chair.
i love this face when she scrunches her nose up.
uh oh, we may have stayed too long!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Getting to the Root of the Problem

i have a little problem. okay, maybe it's a big problem. i'm terrified of the dentist.  don't get me wrong, i'm sure they are all nice and they pay their taxes and call their grandma on their birthday and such, but i'm TERRIFIED.  i may have had a little incident when i was a teenager that i just can't seem to get over.  there was also the wisdom teeth incident of '99 {mom, you know what i'm talking about}. either way, it has scarred me for life.  so, i wait as long as i can to go.  and normally, i wait too long and then i need a bunch of work done.  not good for a 'fraidy cat like me.  NOT good.  

but, i bit the bullet and scheduled my root canal {yes the worst dental evil there is}to just go ahead and get it over with.  yay me, right?  i was really nervous, but kind of excited to get it over with.  i even arrived early.  here we go....

first off, let me say that i told them i was nervous and the lovely receptionist had told me that she had requested nitrous gas for me {i guess that's the laughing gas?} so that i could be relaxed and i wouldn't even need a ride home.  nice.  okay, so here we go.  lay back in the chair, the dentist arrives, i've met him once before and he seems super nice.  however, i know that his wife just had a baby, so i'm thinking..."does he have enough sleep?  is he gonna forget something because he's sleep deprived?"  

so, i ask..."how's the baby?  is she a good sleeper?" {real subtle, right?}
he replies..."well, my wife says that she gets up twice a night, but she sure does sleep a lot"

yes!  wifey is taking care of the little one and doc is getting some zzz's, ready to tackle my dental disaster mouth!

moving on.  he numbs my gums a little and then pokes me with a needle to really get the area good and numb.  i'm praying the whole time.  please Lord, help this man do a good job and please Lord, help me not to cry {out loud}.  then the hygienist comes in.  mask on.  did not introduce herself.  off to a bad start there.  that is one of my pet peeves.  shake my hand and introduce yourself, please.  especially if your hands are gonna be all up in my grill for a few hours.  and another thing. don't let your hair look like you just rolled out of bed.  pull it ALL back in a ponytail, please.  no loose stragglers.  ugh.  

so then they slide in a bite block which is designed to hold my mouth open so that i don't bite them or whatever, i guess.  maybe that's happened before?  hee hee.  anyhoo, at this point, i realize that there is no gas and now, i can't say anything about it because my mouth is jacked open for who knows how long.  fabulous.  i'm starting to get all nervous here.  okay, stacie, you can do'll be fine...get to a happy place, happy place, happy place.  oh dear, i don't have a happy place!  i'm in a dentist's chair, mouth jacked open, no gas! 

nothing i can do about it, so i just try to think of other things.  but doc and loose hairs mcgee over here are mumbling in very close proximity to my ears and i'm pretty sure i heard them say...

doc: "hand me the floogle"
lhm: "red floogle or green floogle?"
doc: "green is fine"

floogle?  really?  i'm certain that's what they said because as i said before...I HAD NO GAS!!!  

of course, then the drilling starts.  so, another confession.  not only am i terrified of the dentist, but  i hate metal things against teeth.  my own teeth and anybody else's teeth for that matter.  please do NOT bite your fork around me.  gives me the heebee jeebees.  why do these drills have to sound like they are attacking your mouth with a band saw?  you would think that technology would have improved over the years and they would have figured out a way to make it sound like something else.  anything else.  my friends tell me that their dentist gives them headphones to at least drown out any unsavory sounds.  sounds like a spa to me.  someone give my dentist the memo, please. 

meanwhile, loose hairs is jabbing the suction thingy down my throat.  gagging me.  she does not know how to be gentle.  and i kid you not, one time she walked away and must not have had a tray or anything because she hung her tool thingy on the corner of my mouth.  someone tell that normal?  i certainly thought it was rude.  like ...  "oh dear, i must use the restroom, but i have nowhere to hang my floogle.  oh wait, here's a spot!  crisis averted!"

then, they sit me up and i think that most of the work is done.  but alas, no.  it has only begun.  i'll spare you many of the horrid details, but then they started the root canal.  and sometimes you have enough tooth left to put a post in which makes it more stable {what i DO want to hear}, but they must drill more for that {what i DON'T want to hear}, and my numbness wore off and i was being jabbed in the gums with a metal thingy that is supposed to hold the rubber dam thing over your face {which by the way made me feel like i couldn't breathe} so then i got more needles to the gums and loose hairs tried to take the impression for my temporary crown and it got stuck and she cracked it in half trying to get it out and had to do it again and oh my word, all i wanted to do was crawl out of the chair and go home and get in bed and cry.  

but, i stayed.  and i have a fresh new root canal.  and a temporary crown.  they ask you to come back in about 2 weeks to "seat the crown".  doesn't that sound fancy?  should i wear an old prom dress or something?