Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Kids (because, let's be honest, that's all you really want to see, right?)

roman had taken a couple months off from taekwondo because of his broken arm and then broken finger.  so, after Christmas he started back up again and he is really enjoying it. (i think he just likes to kick and punch toby when he is practicing)
roman loves to wear his new robe after his showers now.  this particular night he was acting goofy.  must have been the faux-hawk...
p.s. doesn't my house look like an episode of hoarders?  i promise that after i saw this picture, i removed a bunch of stuff from the fridge and countertops.  whew!
 all fancy for school mass on friday morning.
 gianna could not stay still during roman's basketball game saturday morning.  she kept walking up and down the sideline clapping while they were playing.  and then, when the game was over, she couldn't wait to get out on the court with aunt hettie!
then, g and momma went home to wait for the new bed to be delivered while ro and poppa went to rylee's basketball game.  i'm the first one on the new bed! (said in the same voice as mater in cars..."i'm the first one on the new road")
 then, roman had a birthday party to go to for one of his taekwondo buddies.  and, he picked momma to go with him this time!  lucky me!
 roman and anthony (birthday boy) riding motorcycles
 when we went to give roman kisses goodnight, his blanket was sticking up in the air.  when we pulled it back, this is what we saw.  cracked us up and of course, i ran to get my phone to take a picture. 
 sunday morning was just a relaxing time.  gianna cuddled under the blanket that nana gave her and watched mickey mouse while roman played his nintendo ds game in the chair.  
 then, they had a little sibling cuddle time.  she loved him playing with her belly.  she's a bit obsessed with her belly these days.  
 this girl loves her juice!
 this week is catholic schools week and each day is something fun.  monday was dress up day.  pre-k's theme was community helpers.  roman was super excited to wear his police uniform with the badge that uncle gene gave him and the hat that krista gave him.  i'm happy to say that everyone was law-abiding and there were no arrests made.  yay!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ordinarily Extraordinary

life around here is never very extraordinary, but i find that the ordinary things are SO fun for me. a lazy weekend makes me super happy. not planning anything, just winging it. i didn't take many pictures this past week, but here's a few.

the flyers started their season this weekend, so our little hockey fan had to dress the part.  and i guess he's been paying attention to the way they play...maybe he's seen too many hockey fights?
our little guido gets forgotten so many times.  he's still a puppy and can't really control himself around the little kids yet, so he doesn't get to play until the littles are in bed.  he was just hanging out with me one night since toby had gone to bed a little early.  he's like..."mom, why are you still on your computer?  play with me!"
last weekend, our toddler {oh, how i don't want to say that word...she's still my baby!} really took off walking.  she had just decided that it was better than crawling i guess.  well, she is moving faster and faster everyday.  she even started running a little bit this weekend.  this particular, chilly morning, she wanted to walk in to school by herself.  i wanted to hold her hand, but she refused.  she was SO proud of herself!  

and this is just a normal weekend afternoon.  she moves all around and plays and then she'll come and sit with me for a minute or two if she's tired and then she's off again.  busy little bee!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

2013, {so far}

17 days in. nothing from the new year yet. i guess it's time, huh?

i know this picture makes it seem like they are miserable, but they were both kinda feeling a little under the weather and they just wanted to hang out together on the couch.  i love that they are holding hands. 
this wasn't even taekwondo day...he just wanted to wear his uniform.  love this little sideways look...
we went on a nice crisp saturday morning bike ride.  roman really liked going fast on his new bike and gianna was thrilled to be at the wheel of her new purple tricycle!
this cracks me up...silly copycat
all those Christmas toys and she prefers to hang out in the cabinet.
he laughs at her and it just eggs her on.  this might not bode well for my future. 
gianna got a butterfly tunnel for her birthday from chase and gage and they had so much fun in it!
this is the first time they are both sitting at the table coloring together.  i hope to see this many more times. 
it was only fitting that she sported an elvis curl on his birthday.  look at those tired eyes!
hey!  what's down here?
little snitch was stealing my food.  i think this should be my new diet plan...
i hope she likes to actually cook as much as she loves to play in this kitchen.  she spends a LOT of time playing here. 
i knew when we got her school pictures that i had seen that pose before.  when i got out his picture to compare, i was floored!  the pose and chair are the same, but even with 5 months difference, i can see a lot of similarities in them.  it is hard to see it now with such an age difference, but this is cool to look at and compare. 
she's learning lots of new things every day
mady and her family came over last sunday and they played superheros
big girl can hold her own banana now!
and apparently this is the new banana flavored chapstick. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I Can Share Now! - Colella/Miller Photos Nov 2012

josh, colleen, lilah and cj drove down on friday, november 8th to start the birthday celebration for gianna.  we had decided that we would all get our picture taken while they were here so that we could give them as gifts for Christmas to all the grandparents.  mom and wayne were driving down on the 9th, and that also happened to be the first school mass that roman was going to be attending, so we had to re-schedule our photo shoot from friday morning to thursday evening.  which meant that our weary travelers only had about 1 1/2 hours to get themselves ready for our pictures after their long drive.  i'm sharing all of the pictures because i think it shows that sometimes you get a few good pictures, but most of them leave a little to be desired!  ha ha

notice anyone missing?  roman was having a hard time dealing with the fact that his chapstick lid had fallen in the river and was floating away.  so, it was just the girls and cj for a few. 

and the bugs were awful out over the water.  awful.  

 this is my favorite picture of them.  lilah is doing the thing where she smiles and tilts her head to the side.  love that. 
 and he's back in the game.  

 lilah was obsessed with gianna's shoes

 sleepy time...but, they are both looking up.  

 love this picture of the boys.  so handsome. 

 how many chins do i have?