if you know me at all, you know that i love fall. not a big fan of summer. i know, crazy, right? especially since we live here. i've always been a fan of the change of seasons. especially, the change from summer to fall. the leaves changing. the crisp air. jeans and sweatshirts. love, love, love. well, it doesn't really happen like that here. womp, womp. so, i have to improvise. i decorate. i wear a sweatshirt even when i don't need it. i told toby that if i had some free time this past weekend, the house would be getting fall-ified. uh oh, he says. he knows to stay out of my way when i'm on a mission. well, sunday, everyone was napping. not me. i was the autumn elf, getting the house all decked out. ok, let's be honest, decked out means just the front door and a few things inside and then i light my fall candles and i'm a happy girl. here's a peek at my front door area. i made a new wreath. i was kind of over the wreath we had for a few years. so, pinterest to the rescue. a quick trip to michael's for some burlap and i'm a happy girl.
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