Monday, July 30, 2012

Can You Believe...?

...that my baby is about to start pre-K?  yeah, me neither!
here's mr. spiffy in his st. gregory uniform.  left pic is everyday uniform, right pic is friday uniform (for going to mass).  he is SO excited to wear a tie (just like poppa)! 
...that gianna is big enough to sit with us at the table now?  we are ALL so excited about this.  especially big brother!
...that my babaloo is about to start crawling? (the kitchen floor is too slippery, no grip.  oh, and she keeps catching a peek at herself in the who wouldn't want to stop and stare at that?)
...that she actually moved one knee in the forward direction!  i'm gonna call that her "first crawl".  woo to the hoo!
...that i actually took a picture of these cards in target?  oh my goodness they cracked me up!  especially the one on the right...
...that ro is making huge strides in the pool?  he can actually touch bottom now and wants so badly to have swim lessons.  so, we've promised that if he works on blowing bubbles and putting his face in the water that we will get him swim lessons.  dude is motivated.
...that ro and i got to go to the pool on sunday morning?  all by ourselves?  no one was there!  well, another mom and son came for a little while, but they stayed on the other end and we were basically the only swimmers!  oh, and we took the golf cart.  so fun!
...she likes carrots but not mashed potatoes?  whose child is this anyway?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Crazy Life

i really wish i was more organized and could put together a blog post that actually made sense but this seems to represent our life lately...just a mishmash of things running together, and i get to it when i can.  such is life with two small ones and a new dog, i guess.  but honestly, i wouldn't have it any other way.  we are busy and having fun and exhausted and just in love with our little family.  

i hope you at least get the picture of what's been going on...even if i don't really make it easy for you!  :)

this video was of gianna just jabbering away like she always does.  she really is a talker.  she wakes up talking to herself and loves for you to interact with her and talk back to her.  

right before this, she was up on her hands and knees looking like she was gonna take off towards me.  then, i started filming her and all i got was this.  what a tease!

i've been trying to make as much of her food as possible.  since roman is such a picky eater, i'm trying not to go down that road with her.  i think if she is used to what these fruits and veggies really taste like, instead of the stuff in the jars (nothing wrong with it, i still use that too sometimes), then maybe we can get her to eat more than chicken nuggets and peanut butter samiches...just sayin....haha.  so far, she likes sweet potatoes, zucchini, avocado, yogurt, squash, bananas, peaches, pears and some other stuff too.  i should take a hint and eat some too, right?  
 i thought this was funny.  polka dotted shirt...polka dotted sheets...

...she's sleeping in a sea of polka dots!
 gianna's been teething.  that's an understatement.  she's getting all 4 top teeth (in the front) at once.  late last week, the two in the middle popped through.  can you see them?  she's been more comfortable since then, but i don't think we are out of the woods yet.  all i can say is that she is a multi-tasker like her momma.  do work, girl.
 we went over to aunt hettie's for dinner on sunday.  roman had lots of fun playing outside with the girls.  unfortunately, chase was sick and couldn't come, so no boys to play with, but that's okay.  he had a blast anyway.  here's the only picture i got.  and right after this, reese said "roman, you look like you have a cigarette in your mouth".  now i'm just waiting for him to ask me what a cigarette is!
 she's ready for her close-up
 guido's ears are really starting to stick up.  its super cute.  he's lucky he's cute, because he's been getting into some trouble lately.  we have a linoleum piece under his crate and play area for carpet protection and the last two nights we've come home to ripped linoleum.  uh oh!  so, tonight, toby got a box of cheap laminate hardwood floor and put it together to put under there.  think he'll be able to destroy that?  i hope not!
 poppa is so thoughtful, he brought momma and roman their own coffee drinks on saturday morning.  fuel for taekwondo!  speaking of taekwondo, he is one bad mama jama!!!
 also, roman has had a hard time falling asleep at night, mostly because he keeps calling us upstairs for "one more drink, one more huggie, one more kiss"...etc.  so, in an effort to get him to fall asleep faster, and also to help me be able to get my chores done before 11pm, we devised a sticker chart that allows him to earn stickers for good behavior and not calling mom and dad up for little things at night.  if he makes it through the night with no calling us, he gets two stickers.  also, for getting himself dressed, being a good listener and so on.  if he fills up his chart, he gets a prize.  he has really been into transformers and so that is what he has been getting after his chart is full.  so far, he has filled up two charts and we are starting a third one tonight.  here he is with his full chart of stickers and his new transformer, arcee.  (funny thing he said about arcee..."momma, arcee is a motorcyle and she's a girl, so she's a little bit boring"...i guess girls are boring!)
*yes, he is on the never know when a photo op will occur*

just in case you wanted to know how to make a cheese and cracker sandwich.  (please pardon the rocking back and forth and chewing with his mouth full, he was raised by wolves, apparently)
 roman told me he could hop on one foot for nine minutes...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sandgnats, Sunshine, Shoppers, Sleepers & the Sheriff

just playing catch-up here...

since roman really didn't get to see real fireworks on the 4th of july, toby took him to a savannah sandgnats game and they had fireworks afterward.  unfortunately, the night before, the game was rained out and so the game they went to ended up being a double header.  in 95+ degree heat.  so, long and very, very hot.  but, the boys kept sending me pics on my phone, and it certainly looked like they were having fun.  

roman is much braver than he used to be.  high fives for gnate the gnat.  and now he's all decked out in sandgnats gear.  (why no, that is not chocolate in the corners of his mouth, why do you ask?)
the boys, livin' it up!
gnate the gnat!
he got a real foul ball, with real dirt on it!

um, did i mention that it was hot?
the next day, we spent a lot of time outside, enjoying the new baby pool.  roman got to be all crazy and jumpy on the slide since gianna was napping.  
after nap, little sis joined us for some afternoon sunshine
clever container
my babies helping me shop at target
guido's VERY comfy
so is gianna.  this girl is super flexible
we got a golf cart from one of my friends at work, and officer roman is taking his duties as neighborhood patrolman very seriously
driving miss stacie
this was my sunday night snack.  is it any wonder i got any sleep at all?  but, on another note...yum.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

8 months

she's 8 months old! she's getting so big and it's happening so fast.  i'm trying not to get sad, but my baby is getting to be a big girl...ack!

  • she weighs 17.5 lbs.
  • she still only has the two bottom teeth.  i keep checking for more, but none so far.
  • she is really great at sitting up.  i have even seen her get to a sitting position from laying on her belly.  you go girl!
  • if she ends up on her belly, she will scoot herself all around by pushing herself backwards.  and she has been pushing up to her knees and rocking!  whoa, look out, she's gonna crawl before i'm ready!
  • she has been trying lots of new foods like zucchini, sweet potatoes, yogurt and avocado.  the verdict is still out on some of them, but at least she's trying them. 
  • she LOVES to talk.  she says da da da alot.  toby swears she is saying dada.  there really isn't any momma talk at all :(  she also makes a good "r" sound, so she may be trying to say roro. 
  • she goes to bed around 7 each night and wakes up between 6 and 7 every morning.  and she is always happy when she wakes up.  she will just talk to herself in her crib until you come and get her.  and boy, is she happy to see me in the morning.  her face just lights up.  it is really rare that this little girl is ever unhappy. 
  • she has had 3 ear infections since april.  poor thing. i really hate it when she gets sick because you can tell she is miserable.  she isn't her normal happy self and she spikes a fever and can't sleep good. we are going to talk to the doctor about it on monday. 
  • her brother can always make her laugh. she is the first one he wants to see when he wakes up and she waits for him to come hang out with her.  two peas in a pod, these kids of mine.

this is her brother making her laugh

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

He's a Funny One...

just some funny/interesting things roman has been saying lately...
  • momma, can we move?  this house is boring.  i wanna move to delaware.  so i could walk to mimi's and not have to get in the car. 
  • momma, can you be quiet?  i'm calling mady to see if she wants to come over and watch the hulk.  (we haven't watched the hulk before, so i'm not sure where that came from)
  • roman is always requesting me to fast forward through commercials on his shows.  a while ago, i hit rewind to show him something he missed and he asked me if i hit "fast backward".  honestly, that makes more sense these days since there really isn't a tape to "re-wind", right?
  • as i was getting frustrated with one of his transformers (i.e., couldn't put it together), he says "momma, i know you are just need to calm down" (while stroking my hair in that "aww, bless her heart" kind of way)
  • recently, i took roman on some errands with me, including a small quest to find navy shoes. at dinner he said ... "momma, remember when you were looking for army shoes today?"...  huh?  ...oh, now i get it, army/navy...hee hee
  • lately, roman has been a little standoffish with toby at night when it's time to give hugs and kisses.  so last night, i asked him why he didn't want to give poppa hugs and kisses.  he said "cause poppa is scratchy"  (toby is growing a beard...maybe he'll re-think it if it means no kisses!)
  • i bought a few special snacks for roman to take for lunch and so we were discussing how he could have them in his lunch the next day and he said..."so we got that, check.  and then i want applesauce, check.  and then i want a ganilla bar (granola bar), check.  and pudding, check. and two juices, check".  i guess that's everything on his list! 
  • on the fourth, he was in bed and kept telling me that he was scared of the fireworks (we could hear them pretty loud since a few of our neighbors were putting them off).  i kept telling him that it was like thunder and it was loud, but it wouldn't hurt him.  he kept on being fussy about it, but then he said..."can you see them momma?" so, i looked and could see a little bit.  i asked him if he wanted to go look at them and of course, he said "yes, that would make me feel better".  ha, yeah, i bet it would! anything to get out of going to bed. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Guido's in the House!!!

um, how cute is he?  
his ears don't stand up yet, but they will and this is what he'll look like.  ha ha
he does a lot of this...sleep.  

and he loves to chase after roman.  they have lots of fun together!