Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week in Review

our week was not very eventful, yet i felt like it dragged on and on and i was really ready for the weekend by the time it rolled around.  i struggled this week with a lot of emotions.  i was feeling self pity and then caught myself getting angry that i was feeling that way since so many others have it way worse than i do.  in fact, my cousin, krista, asked me to pray for the family of one of her co-workers as they are dealing with a very sick child.  who am i to complain about my little problems?  but then again, they are my problems and i do have to deal with them.  i've been doing a lot of praying this week about how to handle these things.  i pray to God and thank him for all of my blessings because even though there may be speedbumps in my way, i am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow from them.  i also pray (and i ask you to as well) for krista's co-worker and his family, for peace for them and their son.  

this picture was from sunday night.  i mean, seriously?  could she be any happier?
i got a call on monday from daycare that gianna was running a low temp and had been crying a lot.  they thought she might have an ear infection.  i was pretty sure that she was just teething.  after talking to a nurse at the pediatrician's office, she was confident that gianna did not need to be seen in the office right away and we scheduled an appointment for the morning.  i fully expected to take her in, have the "teething" diagnosis confirmed and take her to daycare.  unfortunately, she ended up leaving with a diagnosis of a minor ear infection and the beginning of pinkeye, so there was no going to daycare for her!  luckily, we got to go home and snuggle.
she was hungry and i didn't feed her, so she just started to eat her toes.

even though it was 70 degrees, we popped on a hat that covered her ears, you know, so i didn't feel like a total failure as a mother.
roman loves to have himself introduced every time he plays sports now.  i have a feeling he is destined for stardom...

on friday night we went to check out some trucks...just check them out.  and we left with this candy apple red truck!  right off the showroom floor!  it was a really good deal and toby's been wanting a truck for a while now.  needless to say, i hope we keep this one for a long time.  it has a ton of room (way more than his BMW) and roman LOVES it!

they look good in it don't they?
roman took his tournament medals to taekwondo on saturday and his instructor was impressed!  roman loved all the attention that he got from mr. moore!
see?  what do i have to complain about?
oh wow.  i love this little smiley face

roman loves to give gianna hugs and she is starting to give them back now too.  her kisses are a little messier than her hugs, but we love getting those too!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

First Taekwondo Tournament

we went to our first taekwondo tournament this weekend. roman was really excited and we were too. we just wanted to see what it was all about and see if this is something we want to continue to do. this tournament was held in milledgeville, ga and so it was only a 3.5 hour drive. we left at 7pm on friday night and got to our really sweet hotel room at about 10:30pm. a late night, and an early morning to get there at 8am, but our kids slept really well and we were actually early enough for momma to stop and get a starbucks...bonus!  when we got there, most of the participants were on the floor.  we just hung out in the stands and watched.  what was really neat was that Grand Master Soon Ho Lee was there.  he is the head of the ATA, which is the American Taekwondo Association.  that's all of the schools in the US.  crazy.  and roman got his autograph on his headband.  
then it was on to the staging area to get ready for the tiny tigers oortion of the tournament
roman was listening intently since he had never been to a tournament before.  and it was loud.  there were 6 different "rings" just in the area that we were in.
roman needed a little help with his form, but he did well once he saw the judge do it.  she had to do this for a few of the other tiny tigers too.
roman got 30 seconds to do anything he wanted with his weapon.  he had been practicing with poppa all week, but i think he forgot a lot of it when he was put on the spot.  i'm sure he'll do better the next time, but we were really proud of him for getting out there and doing it.  he was the only one in his group to do the weapons portion.

and on to sparring.  sometimes i feel like it takes longer to put all the gear on than it does to actually spar!

roman is the one with the black face mask on.  as you can see, he has no fear.  

two medals!

somebody's pretty proud of himself, huh?  we sure are!

roman asked me to take this picture of him with his new ninja sword.  how many ninjas have you seen that do the whole "nanny nanny boo boo" routine? 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

That's How She Rolls

gianna must read my blog. and if she saw yesterday's post, i think she got a little fire under her youknowwhat and said "i'll show her!" and she made a liar outta me

...AND, she's got her first tooth poking through on the bottom! big day for our little lady:)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Rock Won't Roll

she just won't do it for us!

Tuesday Night

she was very talkative last night, so i busted out the phone...

i was organizing some pictures and roman wanted to spread them all out on the bed and look at them. he loves to reminisce...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just Life

these are my favorite times, when we are just all cuddled up in bed on a weekend morning

sweet cheeks had a hard time at nap time on sunday and would only fall asleep in my arms. i'm not complaining. this is how i found him one night last week. it didn't look too comfy, so i re-arranged him. but only after i got my phone and took a pic. mom of the year.
we started on oatmeal this week. it's been a little messy. more outside the mouth than in. but she's happy. so, momma's happy.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mean Green

roman tested last saturday for his next belt, so he was able to finally move up from the camo belt to the green belt today!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

5 months

hey baby girl, you are 5 months old today! here are some of the things you've been doing lately:

- you weigh 14 lbs

- you tried rice cereal and as long as you aren't tired when momma is feeding it to you, you love it! you have gotten the hang of opening up when you see the spoon coming and you are keeping most of it in your mouth.

- your teachers at daycare say that you roll over from your back to belly, but i'm not sure i believe them because you just won't do it at home for momma or poppa.

- there are times when you get a little fussy (not much), but you just stuff anything in your mouth...hands, feet, shirt, bib, teether, binky, dolly...whatever. so, we think you might be showing us some pearly whites soon.

- you can't quite sit up on your own yet, but you definitely are trying. gotta work on your core a little more.

- you are a happy little girl. you get excited when you see or hear momma, poppa or roman, and sometimes you let out a little squeal. so cute.

- you love getting a bath. you can be as tired as can be, or hungry too, but if momma puts you in the bathtub, you immediately stop crying. you love having the warm water pouring over your belly.

and just for comparison's sake...a little trip down memory lane. wait....can it be considered memory lane when it is only 5 months? maybe it's not a lane yet, maybe just a driveway. let's take a trip down memory driveway.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

saturday morning: taekwondo

baby g, watching her brother throw down some moves

big brother, throwing down above mentioned moves

saturday afternoon: Easter egg dying

hello? Easter bunny? are you coming to my house tonight? one for bro, one for sis

knawing on her "hand"

sunday morning: check out all the loot from EB

some berry cool sunglasses i must note...i'm not a bad mom that put his Easter basket in the corner of the room. this was the spot that he picked the night before to place his basket for the EB to find. he also picked where gianna's basket should be too. it was in the middle of the living room floor.
EB brought gianna a snuggle bunny, bathing suit, hat, sunglasses and rubber ducky
this year the theme was less candy, more fun stuff!

go, go, power rangers!

and to church

whoa, momma's in a picture

sunday afternoon: dinner and hanging with the fam

sunny and all the kiddos, smile and say "sugar high"

this is "normal"

hope ya'll had a great Easter! we did :)

Hey, Good Lookin'

so, roman has been getting his hair cut at a barber shop with toby for a while now. i haven't complained because i haven't had to do it. one thing off my plate. whew. but, since i was off with him on wednesday, that was our only chance to get it cut before Easter. when toby told me how much they pay (anything is too much in my book when i am more than qualified to do it at home for free!) i was shocked, but still didn't want to break out my own scissors and clippers! i am actually glad i didn't because, look at how cute he is. i mean, really. i love this picture.

and then there's little miss good morning. i can't really say that she has ever had a "bad" morning. she wakes up smiling, every. single. day.

God reminds me every day of how blessed i really am.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

We're No Fools!

we got a big box in the mail yesterday...nana sent a bunch of stuff for the kids and an Easter wreath for me too!

okay, this is true...

nana knows the way to his heart! he loves his new suit. and poppa loves it too! he can't wait to wear it on Easter and for gianna's baptism (which he calls a "bass-tism)my attempt at fun pancakes i was trying to get gianna to roll over (yes, she is 4...almost 5 months old and still does not roll from her back to belly), but all she wanted to do was grab her toes. she loves those piggies!

my offspring are super cute, no?