Sunday, April 29, 2012
Week in Review
Saturday, April 21, 2012
First Taekwondo Tournament
Thursday, April 19, 2012
That's How She Rolls
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday Night
Monday, April 16, 2012
Just Life
sweet cheeks had a hard time at nap time on sunday and would only fall asleep in my arms. i'm not complaining.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Mean Green
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
5 months
- you weigh 14 lbs
- you tried rice cereal and as long as you aren't tired when momma is feeding it to you, you love it! you have gotten the hang of opening up when you see the spoon coming and you are keeping most of it in your mouth.
- your teachers at daycare say that you roll over from your back to belly, but i'm not sure i believe them because you just won't do it at home for momma or poppa.
- there are times when you get a little fussy (not much), but you just stuff anything in your mouth...hands, feet, shirt, bib, teether, binky, dolly...whatever. so, we think you might be showing us some pearly whites soon.
- you can't quite sit up on your own yet, but you definitely are trying. gotta work on your core a little more.
- you are a happy little girl. you get excited when you see or hear momma, poppa or roman, and sometimes you let out a little squeal. so cute.
- you love getting a bath. you can be as tired as can be, or hungry too, but if momma puts you in the bathtub, you immediately stop crying. you love having the warm water pouring over your belly.
and just for comparison's sake...a little trip down memory lane. wait....can it be considered memory lane when it is only 5 months? maybe it's not a lane yet, maybe just a driveway. let's take a trip down memory driveway.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter Weekend
big brother, throwing down above mentioned moves
saturday afternoon: Easter egg dying
hello? Easter bunny? are you coming to my house tonight? one for bro, one for sis
knawing on her "hand"
sunday morning: check out all the loot from EB
some berry cool sunglasses i must note...i'm not a bad mom that put his Easter basket in the corner of the room. this was the spot that he picked the night before to place his basket for the EB to find. he also picked where gianna's basket should be too. it was in the middle of the living room floor.
EB brought gianna a snuggle bunny, bathing suit, hat, sunglasses and rubber ducky
this year the theme was less candy, more fun stuff!
go, go, power rangers!
sunday afternoon: dinner and hanging with the fam
sunny and all the kiddos, smile and say "sugar high"
hope ya'll had a great Easter! we did :)
Hey, Good Lookin'
and then there's little miss good morning. i can't really say that she has ever had a "bad" morning. she wakes up smiling, every. single. day.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
We're No Fools!
nana knows the way to his heart! he loves his new suit. and poppa loves it too! he can't wait to wear it on Easter and for gianna's baptism (which he calls a "bass-tism)