making the perfect snowball to throw at poppa
Monday, January 30, 2012
70 degrees and Snow!
making the perfect snowball to throw at poppa
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Camera Comes Out on the Weekends
every time he plays his trumpet, it sounds like TAPS. seriously. it's so sad. i'm half tempted to learn a song so i can teach it to him. twinkle twinkle little star. anything but TAPS.
chef roman was eating his pancakes for breakfast. yum.

Monday, January 16, 2012
this was roman, the red-nosed reindeer, waiting by the window for poppa to come home whoa momma! what's with the flash in my face?
her first day of daycare! stylin', of course! and a quick laugh just to let momma know that everything's gonna be alright. i can't say that i didn't shed some tears. i mean, i'm human, right? ...and a woman, no less. cut me some slack.
ok. i wish i had a "before" shot. once we got home and realized how many toys needed to fit in this room and not permanently live on the floor, we knew we needed some more storage. so, luckily the store where we got the office furniture still sold the same bookcase as the one we already had, so we got another one. then the playroom looked like a tornado ripped through it for a few days while the shelving was being assembled, attached to the wall, and re-loaded. now, i am happy to say that i can finally see the carpet again! halleluiah! ...and thank you toby!
girlfriend was all tuckered out after daycare today. it doesn't help that she is sick. she's got her "welcome to daycare and all the germs that comes with it" cold.
see her red eyes? poor thing has watery eyes, a little cough, and a stuffy nose. toby took her to the doctor and there really isn't much we can do except saline and suction. we were already doing that, so hopefully we are ahead of the game and she'll get better soon.
yes, he got a haircut. yes, i think it is too short. yes, he had chocolate ice cream after dinner. yes, i made him shower right after i took this picture. yes, she looks exhausted. yes, i put her to bed right after i took this picture. yes, i have the cutest, most well-behaved kids. yes, i am blessed.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Holiday Photo Overload
1. I'm sorry this took so long.
2. I'm sorry I put so many pics in one post.
3. In the name of saving time, I'm not really giving this post the time it deserves, but considering that as soon as we got back from Christmas vacation my back went out and I start back to work on Monday...this might not have gotten done at all unless I did it this way.
Now back to regularly scheduled blogging...
Here's our holidays all wrapped up in 187 photos. Here's how it went down...11.5 hour trip up to DE (the kids did great!)...a few days at Mimi's...Christmas afternoon down to Mommom Teat's...then to Mommom's for a few days...13 hour drive home (the kids did great, momma and poppa, notsomuch)
Santa was really good to all of us and we are so grateful for the time spent with family. I just wish it could have been longer. I always do.
P.S. Here is the link to my YouTube page so you can see a few videos that we took over the holidays.