so, from here on out, we're gonna be getting pretty busy preparing for the holidays and for our trip up north, so we decided to go see santa on saturday night. like last year, we headed to bass pro shops since they have a really nice setup and the picture is free. ...and, bonus...the santa has a real beard and mustache. love that.
anyhoo, our trip started out pretty rocky with a few threats to not go since we were dealing with a very hungry 4 year old (gotta get that boy a snack after nap, fo sho) and a little lady who peed on the comforter between diapers. well, mom and dad worked through the frustration and finally got out the door around 6pm.
bass pro shops hands out bass passes so you just come back at your designated time and can go shop or get something to eat in the meantime. we did have to wait in line for about 45 minutes, but it wasn't too bad. they have lots of things to look at while you are waiting to see old st. nick.
my kiddos were wide-eyed and ready
almost his turn

roman is excited, but gianna doesn't look so sure...

a little one-on-one time so that roman could go over his wish list with the big man

i'm so happy that we were able to get down to savannah to see santa this year. roman really is into the holidays this year. it makes me very happy to see my son so excited.