Sunday, August 28, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up

so, i was hoping for a little leftover rain from Irene to at least last through saturday so i could be lazy and have an excuse for it, but alas...we only got rain on friday. saturday and sunday couldn't have been sunnier. i guess i needed to get out and get some stuff done anyway. so, i spent most of the weekend worrying about my family and friends up north who looked like they were directly in the path of Irene. luckily, so far i've heard that everyone is safe and damage is minimal.

we kept ourselves busy and were able to get chores done too!

saturday morning we went to tae kwon do again. roman had so much fun last weekend and we practiced during the week, so he was really excited to go again this week.

here he is standing straight and tall, paying attention

a lot of time, they will ask them to "take a knee" while they are talking to them, so he was doing what he was told. many times, they ask questions and he always answered with a loud, "yessir"

they started with an obstacle course and here he is doing the army crawl

next up was jumping in the rings

he said jumping rope was his favorite thing

this is him jumping rope (they actually only had two handles that weren't connected) and then moving on to the blocking station (he might need a little work on that)

here he is knocking the instructor's arm off of his shoulder

and then he added a really loud "hi-yah" to it

he was really good at taking a knee and paying attention

they worked on what to do if a stranger grabs you...he was supposed to be yelling "stranger" and kicking, but he didn't quite get the yelling part down

this time, he did say "stranger", but we've got to work on the volume part...

this morning we went to lawton stables to ride the pony and feed the big horses apples and carrots. i left my camera at home...booo!

this afternoon, we had a special snack of popcorn (which he totally loved). he had it once at the movie theatre with uncle josh and aunt colleen and it is a special treat!

we had a great weekend and i for one am not looking forward to going to work this week. i love my job, but my weekends seem way too short lately!

Monday, August 22, 2011

28 weeks

ok, seriously? where has the time gone? i feel like we are flying towards the due date now.


on saturday, roman started taekwondo. it was a little rough going at first since he was new to the class, but in the end, he LOVED it! after the class was over, we got his "uniform" and he was super excited to go home and try it on and test out his new moves.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

He's Organized, Like His Momma

he's seen me make my lists and knows that you've got to be organized before you go to the store. what can i say? i'm so proud.

It's a Keeper

you know, i really try to keep the artwork that roman does at school most of the time, but some items, sad to say, don't make the cut. but today, roman and his teacher were super excited to show me what he made. i have to say, my heart swelled up a little...

the proud artist

if you can't see, i'll give you the tour...

in the middle, momma (big hair, big belly)

of course, his baby in my belly

poppa, roman and duke were all there too.

i know other people will think this is just scribble, but i seriously love it. with. all. my. heart.
it's a keeper.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Gettin' Comfy

since roman was sick last weekend, we've just been trying to stay near home and make sure he rests up, getting all his naps and going to bed on time. not only does it benefit him, but momma too. and we are trying to stay inside out of the heat. so, yesterday was a lazy day. we took some beans out of his bean bag chair because it was too stiff, so he got real comfy. then poppa plopped him up on the couch which he thought was super cool. but, he wouldn't smile for the camera. at all. stinker.

really into his shows, obviously.
oh that a smile? fuzzy yes, but still a smile!