my birthday was last week. i asked my husband for a jason aldean cd. well, he not only got me the cd (which totally rocks, btw) but also got tickets for us to go see him in concert! score...
...and bonus...the concert was on thursday waiting involved. i took a half day thursday and all of friday too. yay for 3.5 day weekends. and since i didn't have president's day off like everyone else on earth...i felt like i totally deserved it! i mean, you only turn 21 once right? ;)
the janedear girls opened along with eric church. i have to say, i was really impressed with eric church. he was really good and of course, his newest song is pretty rockin' ... "drink a little drink, smoke a little smoke..."
but my favorite song that he sings is "I love your love the most"and then there was jason. we had 5th row seats and could see everything. one of the best parts was this little kid in front of us. he pretty much camped out on his dad's shoulders the whole time. at the end, the guitarist gave him his guitar pick. so cute. definitely thinking about taking roman to a concert. this was "big green tractor"
can you see the tractor tire on the screen? i tried to get a good picture of the john deere, but kept missing it toby has taken me to quite a few concerts, mostly country ones. i have to say, i wouldn't really buy these for myself, so it is really nice when he treats me like this. we had a great time.this is a long video of the song "Don't You Wanna Stay", but it is my favorite right now...
there was no way we were staying inside today. no. stinkin. way. it was so absolutely gorgeous outside. and mommom is visiting, so we went to lawton stables to see if we could get to ride a horse!
my cute little cowpoke...
all these horses were in a tizzy because... cookie got loose!
she was a small little firecracker of a horse. but, we were kinda freaked out and stood as still as statues as she ran past us. luckily, she can be persuaded with a carrot. whew... we're talkin'.
on our horse, romeo!
what a fine looking horseman, no? momma got to walk around once ...and poppa too...when we were done with the pony ride, we walked around the petting zoo for a while.
billy the goat really was a stinker. like, he really stunk. bad. i'm pretty sure this bunny isn't on a carrot diet. more like carrot cake. is there such a thing as a pretty chicken? if so, we think we found one. ba-gawk!ha may be able to get your head out of there, but you can't get me!a really sweet little boy let roman have a carrot to feed to this deer. next time we will know to bring our own stash... roman and mommom hanging out in the deer's little house save the drama for your llama mommom and roman got to feed this HUGE clydesdale! then we took our little cowboy to get some grub and took a walk down the pier... time for a nap!
so, i've been on the lookout for a boy friendly valentine's tee shirt for my little man. i found nothing to my liking, so i decided to make one for him.
i bought this plain grey t-shirt at walmart ($3.50). i removed the pocket.
i cut a heart out of freezer paper on my cricut and ironed it to the t-shirt i painted the heart red. i made sure i got the edges real good, but didn't worry about the middle since i knew i was going to sew something over top of that anyway. this little heart breaker swatch of fabric was cut from another piece of clothing that i got at a thrift store for $1.20 and then i just sewed it on over top of the painted heart.
total spent $4.70
i'm hoping he'll be my valentine...cross your fingers. sporting the goggles that he wore for his shower today. he's special. real special. oh, and while i was waiting for my painted heart to dry, i decided to change up my new black flats. i really didn't like the bow, but they were cheap. so, i made a few ruffles and glued them on. much better, right? happy valentine's day! much love.
i've never decorated for valentine's day before. i guess there is a first time for everything, huh?
using mostly stuff i already had, i put a few things together.
i L.O.V.E. my fuzzy heart.
i'm into garlands...this one is kinda weak, but maybe i'll think of something to beef it up. i've had this heart tissue paper forever and have used it for many things. i made this wreath based on something i saw online, but i'm not sure i like it. it's all floppy looking. not really my taste. but, i like me some fuzzy hearts. like i said, i've used this tissue paper for lots of things! these were fun to make. i used my new cricut that i got for Christmas. mod podge is my friend. we hang out a lot. i love seeing all the neat valentine's decorating ideas online, so i might be adding to my decor if i see something i can't live without!