Saturday, January 30, 2010

He Can Read...Well Sort Of

roman loves books. mostly books with pictures of horses. i think he knows which of his books have pictures of horses and he always chooses those when we read before bedtime. i even got him a horse and pony guide that has a picture of a different kind of horse on each page. it's a favorite. we also have a weekly tradition of going to chickfila on tuesdays because it's kids eat free night. typically, their kids meal prize is a book. lately they have had the berenstein bears series, which i love. roman loves them too. here he is "reading" his book and turning the pages (so cute, i think) with an announcement for each page turn.

*please ignore the fact that he is wearing a halloween is saturday and we aren't going anywhere and it still fits just fine!*

Friday, January 29, 2010

Playing Hooky

before we even left the house today, roman was saying "stay home, momma, stay home". yes dear, i would love to stay home's friday, i'm wiped from this lingering cold and would love to snuggle up and watch movies all day with you, but i've gotta go to work and you've gotta go to school. how is it that he already wants to play hooky?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mr. Fixit

roman got handy manny's tool set for christmas, so he decided to fix a couple of things around the house.

i guess the coffee table is broken...note the foot position...

he decided that poppa needed to bring turner over to help out

here he is playing with all the tools


this has nothing to with the tools, but i thought i would show you what our mornings look like.

just lounging on the bed, watching playhouse disney under the covers, with the basketball right next to him

Sunday, January 24, 2010


please forgive me. it's been a few days, okay, a week, since i've thrown up some pics of the golden child. this past week has been a rough one...after ro got sick, i got sick and then after that was over, we all woke up with raging head colds. roman and i have had the worst of it with the coughing but if you ask toby, he would say he has had the worst...having to hear me cough all night. i have to say that my main goal this weekend was to clean the heck out of my house, to clear out all the germs and unfortunately, that didn't quite happen. i've made a dent, but i'm sure i won't finish until later this week sometime. oh well. rest is more important. which is why i'm about to hit the hay ya'll....

sitting with his handy manny tool box

squeeze!! turner!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fly Eagles Fly

yeah, we know they didn't make the playoffs. yeah, we know they aren't even playing today. but we aren't fairweather friends, so we sing it whenever we wanna sing it!

p.s. when he is saying "momma, no" it is because i am mouthing the words. for some reason, he doesn't like it when i sing. i guess i should take a hint...

All Before Naptime

look everyone, it's sherlock romes....

he felt the rhythm, i guess....

we all know christmas is over, but he's getting a headstart on next year...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Really, Really Hot

i'm sure he must have picked this up from one of us, but his version is much, much, much, much, much cuter...

p.s. it's not that hot...hence why he can still eat it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

B-ball Blankie

so, here is what i was working on wednesday night.
i found some cute and comfy material at walmart in the scrap bin...just right for my basketball lovin' muffin! it is by no means perfect but i don't think he cares and it certainly doesn't make it any less cuddly.

i was able to finish it yesterday while roman was watching toy story for the 4th time...then he and "boody" cuddled up...

even when he's sick, he certainly is handsome, dontcha think?

Thursday, January 14, 2010


we got a surprise last night when roman woke up at 12:30 and threw up. he continued to do this until about 7am this morning. toby is much better at dealing with this than me, but i put my big girl panties on after a few episodes and dealt with it. he seemed fine in between, we watched toy story twice and prep & landing a few times too. i stayed home today with my sick little man. he finally gave in to the sandman and is resting now.

isn't this pathetic?

hopefully sleeping off the icky germs on another note, i started a project last night. it involves this...stay tuned...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Think He's Traveling

we (and by we, i mean toby) finally figured out how to upload videos from our new camera! here's a quick one for ya....

p.s. don't mind that geeky looking lady in the background. she wasn't supposed to be in the video (thanks toby).

Friday, January 8, 2010


we have been having lots and lots of fun playing with ALL of the new toys that roman received for christmas. each night, it seems like we have a new favorite. last night, it was oreo, the "fur real" horse. roman has really been playing independently and imaginatively lately and so when i heard him telling oreo "i sorry oreo" and then giving him a kiss...i just wonder what it was that he did to make him have to apologize? however, the funniest part was when he wanted oreo to "shoot it" know, play basketball. he tried really hard to pick up oreo's hoof so that he could "shoot it". unfortunately, oreo has 4 left feet and isn't coordinated enough to play basketball. kinda like someone else i know. ah hem... that would be me.

here he is taking a ride

and then feeding him a carrot
and brushing him and giving him a hug *disclaimer* yes, i have him in his christmas pajamas. he will wear them until he grows out of them. even if it is in june! pajamas that fit are pajamas that fit, regardless of whether they are red and green and adorned with a reindeer. *end of disclaimer*


this was tonight. he wanted to watch santa and the reindeer, i.e. prep & landing. he was really good and ate all his dinner, so he was allowed to have candy...a christmas ring pop. can you say mesmerized?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Wish I Was A Little Bit Taller, I Wish I Was A Baller

his poppa is bursting at the seams proud that basketball is all roman seems to be talking about these days. he goes to sleep with the basketball and wakes up wanting to watch the game. i mean seriously, i can't catch break around here.

ro: dibble momma, dibble!
shoot it!
pass, momma, pass!

taking it to the hoop!

see the concentration on the net...

...and it's good!!

pray for me. i am destined to watch sports for the rest of my life. i am thankful for more than 1 tv in the house...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Just For Fun

i know you have already seen these pictures, but i was bored tonight and decided to liven them up a little. you like? i think they are fun!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Decade So Far

my laziness has finally given way to productivity. sadly, the decorations came down today. even though they weren't up long enough, it was definitely nagging at me and i finally just dove right in. i was even able to clean downstairs...mostly anyway....and check me sheets got changed too! woo hoo. i know...a new year's miracle. i have also been trying to play around with our new camera so this post is a little picture heavy too. i just realized it's sunday and it's back to work tomorrow, but i also was able to get the decorations down there too on friday, so at least i'm not walking into another big project. gotta love that. here's my new year/decade so far...

once in a "blue" moon...nye was spent going to bed early, then being woke up at midnight by fireworks being set off directly outside our house and some children screaming and hollering. welcome to 2010!

one more gaze at my beautiful tree...i just love sitting in a dark room with only the twinkly lights on

using the 20x zoom on the camera. i love ro's 1st christmas ornament
for some reason, even though his name is written in tacky gold glitter glue, this is still the cutest little doggie stocking and i always hang it low so he can check it out, :)

trying out his new scooter

safety first, always wear your helmet oh how i love those eyes... roman and "boody" watching toy story together (it's so funny how he looks at the movie then looks down and realizes that he has woody right next to him...he can't quite figure out how that's possible) isn't that a funny face? cheese!

I Heart Crafts

i really am enjoying my new hobby, sewing. i have found a few things that i really like to make. here are a couple of gifts that i gave for christmas. i hope to use my sewing machine a lot this year!

not a great picture, but this is a wallet i made for mom. most of the girls in the family got one too, but those pictures are on my old computer and i'm too lazy to go transfer them to the new computer.

this is a taggie blanket i made for hala. she looks super cute in purple, so i went with that is the back of the blanket. these materials are soooo soft. i kinda want to make myself a taggie blanket...just maybe a little bit bigger.

stay tuned for more crafty-ness in 2010...